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2005–2010      bevictor伟德官网   環境科學工程系    博士

2000–2004      同濟大學    給水排水工程系   學士


2024–              bevictor伟德官网        研究員

2017–2024        bevictor伟德官网        副研究員

2016–2017        加拿大圭爾夫大學        助理研究員

2014–2016        加拿大特潔安技術公司        研發科學家

2010–2014        加拿大西安大略大學        博士後


加拿大西安大略大學 兼職教授


國際标準化組織(ISO)TC142技術委員會UV-C技術工作組 官員

AQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society期刊 副主編

EST期刊 審稿人

中國環保機械協會紫外線專業委員會 主任委員/秘書長

清華蘇州環境創新研究院現代淨水技術研發團隊 團隊負責人

中國生産力協會水與健康委員會 副主任

納濾膜産業聯盟 副理事長

中國土木工程學會水工業分會 理事







  1. 山東省科學技術進步獎 二等獎 2024

  2. 日内瓦發明獎 金獎 2024

  3. 2023年度環保裝備技術創新獎 一等獎 2023

  4. IUVA最佳工程獎 一等獎 2023

  5. 新疆維吾爾自治區科技進步獎 一等獎 2022

  6. 環境技術進步獎 一等獎 2022

  7. 北京市科學技術進步獎 二等獎 2021

  8. 中國煤炭工業科學技術獎 二等獎 2020

  9. 國家能源集團科技進步獎 二等獎 2018

  10. 蘇州高新區2018年度科技創新領軍人才 2018

  11. 加拿大 MITACS elevate獎勵基金 2012

  12. 加拿大MITACS accelerate獎勵基金2010



  1. Zhang X, Zhang X, Li H, Ao X, Sun W, Li Z. Reactive Oxygen Species Generated in Situ During Carbamazepine Photodegradation at 222 nm Far-UVC: Unexpected Role of H2O Molecules. Environmental Science & Technology. 2024.

  2. Xue Y, Sun W, Shi W, Huang C-H, Santoro D. Prehydrated Electrons Activated by Continuous Electron Transfer Stemmed from Peracetic Acid Homolysis Mediated by Diamond Surface Defects for Enhanced PFOA Destruction. Environmental Science & Technology. 2024;58(25):11152-61.

  3. Ke Y, Sun W, Xue Y, Zhu Y, Yan S, Xie S. Effects of treatments and distribution on microbiome and antibiotic resistome from source to tap water in three Chinese geographical regions based on metagenome assembly. Water Research. 2024;249(120894).

  4. Ke Y, Sun W, Xue Y, Yuan Z, Zhu Y, Chen X, et al. Pipe material and natural organic matter impact drinking water biofilm microbial community, pathogen profiles and antibiotic resistome deciphered by metagenomics assembly. Environmental Research. 2024;262(119964).

  5. Ke Y, Sun W, Chen Z, Zhu Y, Chen X, Yan S, et al. Effects of disinfectant type and dosage on biofilm's activity, viability, microbiome and antibiotic resistome in bench-scale drinking water distribution systems. Water Research. 2024;249(120958).

  6. Ao X, Zhang X, Sun W, Linden KG, Payne EM, Mao T, et al. What is the role of nitrate/nitrite in trace organic contaminants degradation and transformation during UV-based advanced oxidation processes? Water Research. 2024;253:121259.

  7. Zhao Z, He Q, Fan J, Sun W, Ray MB. Effect of granular activated carbon adsorption on mitigating microfiltration membrane fouling by algal organic matter. AQUA — Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society. 2023;72(10):1881-93.

  8. Xue Y, Sun W, Shao P, Yuan Y, Cui F, Shi W. Degradation of contaminants of PPCPs by photocatalysis for water purification: Kinetics, mechanisms, and cytotoxicity analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023;454.

  9. Sun W, Zhang Y, Lu Z, Ke Y, Wang X, Wu J. Fate of Naturally Dissolved Organic Matter and Synthetic Organic Compounds Subjected to Drinking Water Treatment Using Membrane, Activated Carbon, and UV/H2O2 Technologies. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023;57(14):5558-68.

  10. Sun W, Jing Z, Zhao Z, Yin R, Santoro D, Mao T, et al. Dose–Response Behavior of Pathogens and Surrogate Microorganisms across the Ultraviolet-C Spectrum: Inactivation Efficiencies, Action Spectra, and Mechanisms. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023;57(29):10891-900.

  11. Sun W, Jing Z. Migration of rare and abundant species, assembly mechanisms, and ecological networks of microbiomes in drinking water treatment plants: Effects of different treatment processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023;457.

  12. Ke Y, Sun W, Liu S, Zhu Y, Yan S, Chen X, et al. Seasonal variations of biofilm C, N and S cycling genes in a pilot-scale chlorinated drinking water distribution system. Water Research. 2023;247:120759.

  13. Ke Y, Sun W, Jing Z, Zhu Y, Zhao Z, Xie S. Antibiotic resistome alteration along a full-scale drinking water supply system deciphered by metagenome assembly: Regulated by seasonality, mobile gene elements and antibiotic resistant gene hosts. Science of The Total Environment. 2023;862.

  14. Ke Y, Sun W, Jing Z, Zhao Z, Xie S. Seasonal variations of microbial community and antibiotic resistome in a suburb drinking water distribution system in a northern Chinese city. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2023;127:714-25.

  15. Ke Y, Sun W, Chen X, Zhu Y, Guo X, Yan W, et al. Seasonality Determines the Variations of Biofilm Microbiome and Antibiotic Resistome in a Pilot-Scale Chlorinated Drinking Water Distribution System Deciphered by Metagenome Assembly. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023;57(31):11430-41.

  16. Jing Z, Lu Z, Zhao Z, Cao W, Wang W, Ke Y, Wang X, Sun W. Molecular ecological networks reveal the spatial-temporal variation of microbial communities in drinking water distribution systems. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2023;124:176-86.

  17. Cai M, Zhao Z, Sun W, Yin W, Zhang Y, He S. Impact of pipeline materials on water quality stability of desalinated seawater in the pipeline network. Desalination. 2023;556.

  18. Cai C, Tian Y, Wu X, Zhang Y, Ke Y, Wang Y, Sun W. Efficiency of a gravity-driven membrane in a water treatment plant. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua. 2023;72(2):173-84.

  19. Cai C, Sun W, He S, Zhang Y, Wang X. Ceramic membrane fouling mechanisms and control for water treatment. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2023;17(10).

  20. Ao X, Zhang X, Li S, Yang Y, Sun W, Li Z. Comprehensive understanding of fluoroquinolone degradation via MPUV/PAA process: Radical chemistry, matrix effects, degradation pathways, and toxicity. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023;445.

  21. Zhao Z, Sun W, Ray MB. Adsorption isotherms and kinetics for the removal of algal organic matter by granular activated carbon. Science of The Total Environment. 2022;806.

  22. Wang X, Ao X, Zhang T, Li Z, Cai R, Chen Z, Wang Y, Sun W. Ultraviolet-Light-emitting-diode activated monochloramine for the degradation of carbamazepine: Kinetics, mechanisms, by-product formation, and toxicity. Science of The Total Environment. 2022;806.

  23. Lu Z, Ling Y, Wang X, Li S, Ao X, Wang W, Li C, Sun W#, Huang T. Insight into the degradation of ciprofloxacin by medium-pressure UV-activated monochloramine process. Science of The Total Environment. 2022;832.

  24. Lu Z, Ling Y, Sun W, Liu C, Mao T, Ao X, et al. Antibiotics degradation by UV/chlor(am)ine advanced oxidation processes: A comprehensive review. Environmental Pollution. 2022;308.

  25. Lu Z, Jing Z, Huang J, Ke Y, Li C, Zhao Z,Ao X#, Sun W#. Can we shape microbial communities to enhance biological activated carbon filter performance? Water Research. 2022;212:118104.

  26. Li C, Sun W, Lu Z, Ao X, Li S, Wang Z, et al. Contribution of filtration and photocatalysis to DOM removal and fouling mechanism during in-situ UV-LED photocatalytic ceramic membrane process. Water Research. 2022;226:119298.

  27. Li C, Lu Z, Ao X, Sun W, Huang X. Degradation kinetics and removal efficiencies of pharmaceuticals by photocatalytic ceramic membranes using ultraviolet light-emitting diodes. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022;427.

  28. Jing Z, Lu Z, Santoro D, Zhao Z, Huang Y, Ke Y, Wang X#, Sun W#. Which UV wavelength is the most effective for chlorine-resistant bacteria in terms of the impact of activity, cell membrane and DNA? Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022;447.

  29. Zhao Z, Ray MB, Mao T, Sun W. Impact of UV irradiation on disinfection by-product formation and speciation from post-chlorination of dissolved organic matter. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua. 2021;70(8):1181-91.

  30. Xu Y, Lu Z, Sun W, Zhang X. Influence of pore structure on biologically activated carbon performance and biofilm microbial characteristics. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2021;15(6).

  31. Wang X, Chen Z, Wang Y, Sun W. A review on degradation of perfluorinated compounds based on ultraviolet advanced oxidation. Environmental Pollution. 2021;291.

  32. Sun W, Ao X, Chen Z, Oguma K, Jia R, Song W, et al. First UV/H2O2 AOP Systems for Municipal Drinking Water Treatment in China. UV Solutions. 2021; Quarter 1

  33. Lu Z, Li C, Jing Z, Ao X, Chen Z, Sun W. Implication on selection and replacement of granular activated carbon used in biologically activated carbon filters through meta-omics analysis. Water Research. 2021;198:117152.

  34. Jing Z, Lu Z, Mao T, Cao W, Wang W, Ke Y, Zhao Z, Wang X#, Sun W#. Microbial composition and diversity of drinking water: A full scale spatial-temporal investigation of a city in northern China. Science of The Total Environment. 2021;776.

  35. Ao X, Wang W, Sun W, Lu Z, Li C. Degradation and transformation of norfloxacin in medium-pressure ultraviolet/peracetic acid process: An investigation of the role of pH. Water Research. 2021;203:117458.

  36. Ao X, Eloranta J, Huang C, Santoro D, Sun W, Lu Z, et al. Peracetic acid-based advanced oxidation processes for decontamination and disinfection of water: A review. Water Research. 2021;188:116479.

  37. Zhang T, Liu H, Zhang Y, Sun W, Ao X. Comparative genotoxicity of water processed by three drinking water treatment plants with different water treatment procedures. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2020;14(3).

  38. Lu Z, Sun W, Li C, Cao W, Jing Z, Li S, et al. Effect of granular activated carbon pore-size distribution on biological activated carbon filter performance. Water Research. 2020;177:115768.

  39. Li S, Ao X, Li C, Lu Z, Cao W, Wu F, Liu S, Sun W#. Insight into PPCP degradation by UV/NH2Cl and comparison with UV/NaClO: Kinetics, reaction mechanism, and DBP formation. Water Research. 2020;182:115967.

  40. Li C, Sun W, Lu Z, Ao X, Li S. Ceramic nanocomposite membranes and membrane fouling: A review. Water Research. 2020;175:115674.

  41. Ao X, Chen Z, Li S, Li C, Lu Z, Sun W. The impact of UV treatment on microbial control and DBPs formation in full-scale drinking water systems in northern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2020;87:398-410.

  42. Zhao Z, Sun W, Ray MB, Ray AK, Huang T, Chen J. Optimization and modeling of coagulation-flocculation to remove algae and organic matter from surface water by response surface methodology. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2019;13(5).

  43. Yang C, Sun W, Ao X. Using mRNA to investigate the effect of low-pressure ultraviolet disinfection on the viability of E. coli. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2019;13(2).

  44. Yang C, Sun W, Ao X. Bacterial inactivation, DNA damage, and faster ATP degradation induced by ultraviolet disinfection. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2019;14(1).

  45. Lu Z, Sun W, Li C, Ao X, Yang C, Li S. Bioremoval of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by Pseudoxanthomonas sp. DIN-3 isolated from biological activated carbon process. Water Research. 2019;161:459-72.

  46. Li C, Sun W, Lu Z, Ao X, Yang C, Li S. Systematic evaluation of TiO2-GO-modified ceramic membranes for water treatment: Retention properties and fouling mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019;378.

  47. Ao X, Sun W, Li S, Yang C, Li C, Lu Z. Degradation of tetracycline by medium pressure UV-activated peroxymonosulfate process: Influencing factors, degradation pathways, and toxicity evaluation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019;361:1053-62.

  48. Ye Z, Liu W, Sun W, Nie X, Ao X. Role of ammonia on haloacetonitriles and halonitromethanes formation during Ultraviolet irradiation followed by chlorination/chloramination. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018;337:275-81.

  49. Ao X, Liu W, Sun W, Yang C, Lu Z, Li C. Mechanisms and toxicity evaluation of the degradation of sulfamethoxazole by MPUV/PMS process. Chemosphere. 2018;212:365-75.

  50. Ao X, Liu W, Sun W, Cai M, Ye Z, Yang C, et al. Medium pressure UV-activated peroxymonosulfate for ciprofloxacin degradation: Kinetics, mechanism, and genotoxicity. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018;345:87-97.

  51. 呂炳琪, 孫文俊*, 劉礎銘, 張元娜, 柯彥楚, 王永磊. 不同紫外光源對耐氯菌滅活特性研究. 給水排水. 2024;60(08):6-12.

  52. 劉超然, 瞿元鑫, 薛雅内, 孫文俊*, 皮浩然, 劉文碩. “雙碳”目标下給水廠紫外線消毒設備運行管理模式分析. 中國給水排水. 2024;40(18):15-21.

  53. 孫文俊*, 秦思剛, 韋婷婷. 遠紫外線技術在公共交通疫情防控中的應用. 城市軌道交通研. 2023(6):174-9.

  54. 趙志楠, 王俊健, 張元娜, 景自博, 侯宇, 孫文俊*, et al. 南水北調中線水源區浮遊植物群落結構及其生物多樣性. 南水北調與水利科技. 2022;20(5):914-24.

  55. 王偉博, 石景東, 孫文俊*. 二次供水節能研究及直飲水供水相關思考. 給水排水. 2022;04(58):86-92.

  56. 劉超然, 張達, 侯宇, 孫文俊*. 給水廠紫外線消毒設備運行效果及節能降耗研究. 給水排水. 2022;48(07).

  57. 淩豔晨, 蘇宇亮, 胡克武, 袁漢鴻, 吳斌, 黃洪波, et al. 珠海市飲用水水源藻類問題分析與解決方案. 南水北調與水利科技(中英文). 2021;19(04):729-38.

  58. 曹文烽, 黃天寅, 孫文俊*, 石景東. 紫外線消毒技術在二次供水中的應用研究. 中國給水排水. 2021;37(03):60-4.

  59. 王磊, 孫文俊*. 基于DEM數據的HEC-HMS和Vflo降雨特征模拟對比研究——以北京密雲區為例. 環境科學學報. 2019;39(10):3559-64.

  60. 孫文俊*, 呂東明. 紫外線技術在我國城鎮給排水處理中應用的挑戰和趨勢. 淨水技術. 2023;42(3):1-6.

  61. 陳仲贇, 蘇宇亮, 孫文俊*, 王偉博, 吳芳芳, 胡克武, et al. 珠江水源水廠臭氧-生物活性炭工藝對有機微污染物的去除效果. 淨水技術. 2021;40(11):49-55+70.

  62. 敖秀玮, 孫文俊, 林明利, 郝天. 飲用水科技前沿熱點與發展趨勢. 淨水技術. 2020;39(10):74-85+108.

  63. 孫文俊, 呂東明, 賈瑞寶, 李桂芳. 紫外設備劑量标準化驗證方法及必要性. 淨水技術. 2019;38(05):1-6+24.


  1. Wenjun Sun. Research on the removal, chemical conversion and By-products risk of DOM in the UV/H2O2 process, IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, Aug11-15 (Invited symposium speaker).

  2. Wenjun Sun. Development and application of ultraviolet technology in China. IUVA World Congress, Festival City, Dubai, U.A.E. Sep 10-13, 2023 (Keynote speaker).

  3. Wenjun Sun. The development of UV studies and applications in 21st century. IUVA Asia Workshop, Online meeting. Feb 18–19, 2021 (Keynote speaker and chair).

  4. Wenjun Sun, Zhiyuan Zhang, Wenjun Liu, Xiang Zhang. One Advanced Oxidation Process Integration System for Drinkable Reclaimed Water. ecoSTP 2018 4th IWA Specialized International Conference, London, Ontario, Canada. Jun 25-27, 2018 (Academic committee and Invited symposium speaker).

  5. Wenjun Sun, Zi Ye, Wenjun Liu. Role of Ammonia on Haloacetonitriles and Halonitromethanes Formation during MP UV Irradiation followed by Chlorination, IUVA 2017 World Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sep17-20, 2017 (Invited symposium speaker).

  6. Sun Wenjun, Zhou Hongde, Rudra Ramesh, Santoro Domenico, Liu Wenjun, Risk analysis and case studies for ultrafiltration combined UV processes for drinking water treatment, The 5th IWA Regional Conference on Membrane Technology 2016,Kunming, China, August 22- 24, 2016

  7. Murray Adrian, Goldman Joshua, Sun Wenjun, Morgan Scott, Brower Mike, Sarathy Siva, Hilts Brian, Bell Kati, Santoro Domenico, Disinfection of a low transmittance municipal wastewater with a combination of UV and PAA, 2016 IUVA World Congress, Vancouver, Canada, January 31-February 3, 2016

  8. Petri Brian, McDermid Steve, Sun Wenjun, Chengyue Shen, Karl Scheible, Yuri Lawryshyn, Investigating Polychromatic UV Complexity:  Models and Experiments to Determine Polychromatic Correction Factors, Disinfection and Public Health Conference 2013, Indianapolis, USA, February 24- 26, 2013

  9. Petri Brian, McDermid Steve, Sun Wenjun, Investigating Polychromatic UV Complexity Part 1: Microbial Action Spectra Sensitivity Analyses. 2013 IOA-IUVA World Congress, Las Vegas, USA, September 22- 26, 2013

  10. Petri Brian, McDermid Steve, Sun Wenjun, Chengyue Shen, Karl Scheible, Investigating Polychromatic UV Complexity Part 2: Models and Experiments to Determine Polychromatic Correction Factors, 2013 IOA-IUVA World Congress, Las Vegas, USA, September 22- 26, 2013

  11. Petri Brian, McDermid Steve, Sun Wenjun, Chengyue Shen, Karl Scheible, Validating Validation Microbes for UV Reactor Validations: Getting it Right, 2013 IOA-IUVA World Congress, Las Vegas, USA, September 22- 26, 2013

  12. Liu Wenjun, Sun Wenjun, Liu Che, A study of by-product formation and toxicity due to LP UV disinfection of ballast water, 2011 IOA/IUVA World Congress& Exhibition. Pairs, France. May 23-27, 2011

  13. Liu Wenjun, Liu Qing, Zhang Liping, Nie Xuebiao, Sun Wenjun, Cui Lifeng, Genotoxicity of drinking water treated with different disinfectants and effects of disinfection conditions detected by umu test, 2011 IOA/IUVA World Congress& Exhibition. Pairs, France. May 23-27, 2011

  14. Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, Cui Lifeng, Zhu Wanpeng, The Biological Safety of Model Distribution System following UV, International Ultraviolet Association 5th UV world Congress, September 21-23, 2009,Amsterdam

  15. Liu Wenjun, Sun Wenjun, Liu Che, Zhangjingjing, Response of Marine and fresh water algae to UV, International Ultraviolet Association 5th UV world Congress, September 21-23, 2009,Amsterdam

  16. Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, Liu Leibin, Cui Lifeng, The Biological Safety of UV Disinfection Systems For Drinking Water, Proceedings of the 10th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Conference WDSA2008, August 17-20, 2008, Kruger National Park, South Africa

  17. Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun et al, The Biological Safety of distribution system following UV Disinfection, The 2nd National Ph.D. Candidates Academic Conference, 16th-18th October 2008, Beijing, China

  18. Sun Wenjun, Liu Wenjun, Cui Lifeng, Zhu Wanpeng, The biological safety of model distribution system following Low-pressure UV, The 3rd National Ph.D. Candidates Academic Conference, 22th-24th October 2008, Beijing, China

  19. 孫文俊,劉文君,崔利峰,農村地區飲用水紫外線消毒管網水質微生物學安全性研究,全國農村飲水安全技術交流研讨會,2008年11月20-21日,中國北京

  20. 崔利峰,劉文君,孫文俊,農村飲用水紫外線消毒效果研究,全國農村飲水安全技術交流研讨會,2008年11月,中國北京


  1. 劉文君,喬炜,何唯平,孫文俊,黃永衡,陳健,蔡曉湧,《紫外線水消毒設備 紫外線劑量測試方法》GB/T 32091-2015, 2015年12月10日發布,2016年6月1日實施

  2. 劉文君,何唯平,孫文俊,黃永衡,《紫外線消毒技術術語》GB/T 32092-2015,2015年12月10日發布,2016年6月1日實施


  1. 授權發明專利:一種密閉全循環供水系統及生活飲用水的供水方式 專利号:2019103332891

  2. 授權發明專利:一種低壓中壓一體化紫外線設備 專利号:2021101095386

  3. 授權發明專利:消毒裝置 專利号:2023108080376


  5. 授權發明專利:一種準平行光UVLED反應器及水處理方法 專利号:2023100303291

  6. 授權發明專利:一種降解水中微囊藻毒素的方法 專利号:2022109584506


  8. 授權發明專利:一種UV-LED反應器 專利号:2017113488360

  9. 授權發明專利:測定紫外線生物驗證劑量的平行光束儀,專利号:200910237693.5,專利人:劉文君、 孫文俊、 蔡曉湧、 梁永久、 張慧敏

  10. 授權發明專利:低壓高強紫外線船舶壓載水處理設備,專利号:200910093809.2,專利人:劉文君,孫文俊,蔔城、湯蘇雲

  11. 實用新型專利:紫外線劑量自動調節系統,專利号:200920222868.0,專利人:劉文君,孫文俊,蔔城,湯蘇雲

  12. 實用新型專利:一種低壓高強紫外線船舶壓載水處理設備,專利号:200920246046.6,專利人:劉文君,孫文俊,蔔城、湯蘇雲
