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首頁 > 師資隊伍 > 教師 > 大氣污染與控制教研所 > 正文







2005.08 — 2009.07 bevictor伟德官网,環境工程專業,學士

2009.08 — 2014.07 bevictor伟德官网,環境工程專業,博士


2022.06 — 至今 bevictor伟德官网副教授,博士生導師

2019.07 — 2022.06 bevictor伟德官网助理教授,博士生導師

2017.02 — 2019.01 美國康奈爾大學阿特金森博士後研究員(David R. Atkinson Fellowship)

2015.03 — 2017.01 美國福特汽車公司研究創新中心,博士後研究員

2015.03 — 2017.01 美國密歇根大學機械工程系,博士後研究員

2014.08 — 2015.03 bevictor伟德官网,博士後研究員


Transportation Research Part D期刊編委(2019-2024)

擔任環境、能源與交通領域近20餘個期刊審稿人,包括Nature Communications,Environ. Sci. Technol., Appl. Energy, Atmos. Environ., Transport. Res. D., Transport. Res. A






  1. 國家重點研發計劃,在用機動車高污染成因診斷與治理關鍵技術研發及示範, 2022/10-2026/3,課題負責人

  2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,基于OBD遠程監控的重型柴油車氮氧化物排放動态表征方法研究,2022/1-2025/12,項目負責人

  3. 甯德時代公司,動力電池供應鍊碳足迹生命周期數據和方法研究,2022/1-2023/6,項目負責人

  4. 一汽-大衆中華環境保護基金會項目,智能交通模式下能源結構預測及減排效果仿真研究,2022/4-2023/3,項目負責人

  5. 福特汽車公司(URP),基于數據驅動的智慧感知城市空氣質量管理系統研究,2020/12-2022/12,項目負責人

  6. bevictor伟德官网-豐田汽車公司聯合研究院跨學科專項,新能源汽車能源環境大數據系統研發與示範應用,2020/4-2022/3,子課題負責人

  7. 移動源污染排放控制技術國家工程實驗室開放基金,典型重型天然氣車實際道路排放特征及排放模型研究,2020/1-2021/12,項目負責人

  8. 德國國際合作機構(GIZ),京津冀區域電動汽車發展空氣質量影響研究,2019/05-2019/11,項目負責人


  1. 2023年 交通運輸行業青年拔尖創新人才計劃

  2. 2023年 環境保護科學技術一等獎(3/15

  3. 2023年 高等學校科學技術進步獎一等獎(14/15

  4. 2020年 生态環境十大科技進展

  5. 2020年 Environmental Science & Technology Letters優秀審稿人

  6. 2017年 康奈爾大學阿特金森可持續發展博士後資助(David R. Atkinson Fellowship)

  7. 2014年 北京市優秀畢業生(研究生)

  8. 2012年 bevictor伟德官网林楓輔導員獎

  9. 2009年 北京市優秀畢業生


迄今在能源、環境和交通領域期刊發表論文100餘篇,代表性論文發表于Nature EnergyNature SustainabilityPNASOne Earth等國際頂級期刊。入選交通運輸行業青年拔尖人才,作為主要起草人參與制定《道路機動車大氣污染物排放清單編制技術指南》和《汽車生命周期溫室氣體及大氣污染物排放評價方法》團體标準。



  1. Zhao, P.#, Zhang, S.#*, Santi, P., Cui, D., Wang, F., Liu, P., Zhang, Z., Liu, J., Wang, Z*., Ratti, C. Wu, Y.*, 2024. Challenges and opportunities in truck electrification revealed by big operational data. Nature Energy.

  2. Zhao, P., Wu, X., Zhang, S.*, He, L., Yang, Y., Hu, Q., Huang, C., Yu, B., Wu, Y.. Regulatory Insights for On-Board Monitoring of Vehicular NOx Emission Compliance. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58(18), 7968-7976.

  3. Wen, Y., Zhang, S.*, Wang, Y.*, Yang, J., He, L., Wu, Y. and Hao, J. Dynamic Traffic Data in Machine-Learning Air Quality Mapping Improves Environmental Justice Assessment. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58(7), 3118-3128.

  4. Zhang, S.*, Xiong, Y., Liang, X., Wang, F., Liang, S.*, Wu, Y. Spatial and Cross-Sectoral Transfer of Air Pollutant Emissions from the Fleet Electrification in China by 2030. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57(50), pp.21249-21259.

  5. Wang, Y.#, Wen, Y.#, Zhang, S.*, Zheng, G., Zheng, H., Chang, X., Huang, C., Wang, S., Wu, Y., Hao, J. Vehicular ammonia emissions significantly contribute to urban PM2.5 pollution in two Chinese megacities. Environmental science & technology, 2023, 57(7), 2698-2705. (ESI高被引論文)

  6. Zhang, J.#, Jiang, Y.#, Wang, Y., Zhang, S.*, Wu, Y., Wang, S., Nielsen, C.P., McElroy, M.B. and Hao, J. Increased Impact of Aviation on Air Quality and Human Health in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57(48), 19575-19583.

  7. Wang, F., Zhang, S.*, Zhao, Y., Ma, Y., Zhang, Y., Hove, A. and Wu, Y. Multisectoral drivers of decarbonizing battery electric vehicles in China. PNAS nexus, 2(5), 2023, p.pgad123.

  8. Wen, Y., Zhou, Z., Zhang, S.*, Wallington, T.J., Shen, W., Tan, Q., Wu, Y. Urban–Rural Disparities in Air Quality Responses to Traffic Changes in a Megacity of China Revealed Using Machine Learning. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2022, 9 (7), 592-598

  9. Zhang, J., Zhang, S*., Zhang, X., Wang, J., Wu, Y., Hao, J. Developing a High-Resolution Emission Inventory of China’s Aviation Sector Using Real-World Flight Trajectory Data. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56(9), 5743-5752.

  10. Chen, J., Wang, F., He, X., Liang, X., Huang, J., Zhang, S.*, Wu, Y. Emission mitigation potential from coordinated charging schemes for future private electric vehicles. Applied Energy, 2022, 308, 118385

  11. Yu, Y.T., Xiang, S., Zhang, T., You, Y., Si, S., Zhang, S.*, Wu, Y. Evaluation of city-scale disparities in PM2.5 exposure using hyper-localized taxi-based mobile monitoring. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56(19), 13584-13594.

  12. Yang, J.#, Wen, Y.#, Wang, Y.*, Zhang, S.*, Pinto, J.P., Pennington, E.A., Wang, Z., Wu, Y., Sander, S.P., Jiang, J.H. Hao, J., Yung, Y.L., Seinfeld, J. H.* From COVID-19 to future electrification: Assessing traffic impacts on air quality by a machine-learning model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021, 118(26), p.e2102705118.

  13. Zhang, D.*, Gao, J., Tang, D., Wu, X., Shi, J., Chen, J., Peng, Y., Zhang, S.*, Wu, Y. Switching on auxiliary devices in vehicular fuel efficiency tests can help cut CO2 emissions by millions of tons. One Earth, 2021, 4(1): 135-145

  14. Wen, Y., Zhang, S.*, He, L., Yang, S., Wu, X. and Wu, Y. Characterizing start emissions of gasoline vehicles and the seasonal, diurnal and spatial variabilities in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 245: 118040.

  15. Wang, H.# *, He, X.#, Liang, X.#, Li, S., Zheng, H., Zhang, S,*, Nielsen, C. P., Wang S., Wu, Y.*, Evans, J. S. Health benefits of on-road transportation pollution control programs in China. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(41): 25370-25377

  16. Xiang, S., Zhang, S*., Wang, H., Wen, Y., Yu, Y.T., Li, Z., Wallington, T.J., Shen, W., Deng, Y., Tan, Q.,  Zhou, Z., Wu, Y., 2021. Mobile Measurements of Carbonaceous Aerosol in Microenvironments to Discern Contributions from Traffic and Solid Fuel Burning. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 8(10), 867-872.

  17. Wang, Y.#, Wen, Y.#, Zhang, S.*, Zhang, K. M., Zheng, H., Xing, J., Wu, Y., Hao, J. Four-month changes in air quality during and after the COVID-19 lockdown in six megacities in China. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2020, 7(11): 802-808 (入選ES&T Letters年度浏覽量最高論文)

  18. Zhang, S.*, Zhao, P., He, L., Yang, Y., Liu, B., He, W., Cheng, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, S., Hu, Q., Huang, C., Wu, Y. On-board monitoring (OBM) for heavy-duty vehicle emissions in China: Regulations, early-stage evaluation and policy recommendations. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 731: 139045

  19. Liang, X.#, Zhang, S.#, Wu, Y.*, Xing, J., He, X., Zhang, K. M., Wang, S., Hao, J. Air quality and health benefits from fleet electrification in China. Nature Sustainability, 2019, 2: 962-971

  20. Zhang, S., Niu, T., Wu, Y.*, Zhang, K. M., Wallington, T. J., Xie, Q., Wu, X., Xu, H., Zhang, L. Integrating intelligent transportation system into vehicle emission management: A case study based on multi-source traffic data. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 241: 1027-1037

  21. Wu, Y.#*, Zhang, S.#, Hao, J., Liu, H., Wu, X., Hu, J., Walsh, M. P., Wallington, T. J., Zhang, K. M., Stevanovic, S. On-road vehicle emissions and their control in China: A review and outlook. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 574: 332-349ESI高被引論文)

  22. Zhang, S., Wu, Y.*, Huang, R., Yan, H., Zheng, Y., Hao, J. High-resolution simulation of link-level vehicle emissions and concentrations for air pollutants in a traffic-populated city. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 16: 9965-9981.

  23. Zhang, S., Wu, Y.*, Liu, H., Huang, R., Yang, L., Li, Z., Fu, L., Hao, J. Real-world fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of urban public buses in Beijing. Applied Energy, 2014, 113: 1645-1655 ESI高被引論文)

  24. Zhang, S., Wu, Y.*, Hu J., Huang, R., Zhou, Y., Bao, X., Fu, L., Hao, J. Can Euro V heavy-duty diesel engines and alternative fuel technologies mitigate NOX emissions? - New evidences from the on-road tests for buses in China. Applied Energy, 2014, 132: 118-126

  25. Zhang, S., Wu, Y.*, Wu, X., Li, M., Ge, Y., Liang, B., Xu, Y., Zhou, Y., Liu, H., Fu, L., Hao, J. Historic and future trends of vehicle emissions in Beijing, 1998-2020: A policy assessment for the most stringent vehicle emission control program in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 89: 216-229


  1. 《汽車尾氣淨化技術》,郭剛,徐立峰,張少君. 機械工業出版社,北京, 2017.
