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首頁 > 師資隊伍 > 教師 > 固體廢物控制與資源化教研所 > 正文







1997.09 – 2001.06      南開大學    環境科學與工程學院    環境化學學士

2003.09 – 2006.06      bevictor伟德官网    環境科學與工程系      環境工程碩士

2006.07 – 2010.08      悉尼大學    化學與分子生物工程系   化學工程博士


2014.07至今                bevictor伟德官网    bevictor伟德官网    副教授、博導

2014.01 – 2014.06      帝國理工學院    化學工程系    Research Fellow

2012.11 – 2013.12      利茲大學    過程、環境與材料工程學院    Research Fellow

2011.10 – 2012.10      悉尼大學/帝國理工學院    Principle Investigator/Coordinator of Joint Project

2010.10 – 2011.10      悉尼大學    可持續技術實驗室    Postdoctoral Research Associate


1. 主講本科生春季課程《低碳技術與管理》全英文32學時(40050752)

2. 合講研究生秋季課程《廢物熱處理》全英文16學時(80050522,總48學時)

3. 主講中法環境/能源項目碩士課程《CCUS與碳管理》全英文32學時(80050491)


  1. Associate Editor:Carbon Capture Science & Technology (Elsevier), E-Prime (Elsevier)

  2. 中國環保産業協會固體廢物處理利用委員會常務副秘書長

  3. 中國環境科學學會青年科學家委員會委員

  4. 清華蘇州環境創新研究院有機固廢熱處理團隊首席科學家

  5. bevictor伟德官网碳中和研究院減污降碳中心副主任



  1. 固定床氣化高溫氣-固反應體系與多場聯控機制;

  2. 還原區幹濕重整反應與無機元素自催化行為;

  3. 熱解-氣化解耦與氣相化學鍊高選擇性産氣;

  4. 氣化合成氣高溫催化脫硫與硫單質回收;

  5. 氣化過程鹵素和氮素反應轉化與過程抑制;

  6. 氣化過程無機組分爐内成渣行為與爐外材料化利用;

  7. 變換合成氣高分壓CO2吸附與硫/氮/氯耐受機制;

  8. 離子液體/低溫共熔溶劑輔助合成多孔碳吸附材料;

  9. 異相催化CO2環氧加成制備環碳酸酯,等。


  1. 針對生活垃圾、厭氧沼渣、脫水泥餅、園林廢物、大件垃圾破碎物等城鎮生活源有機固廢,開發中高溫固定床固态出渣氣化、燃氣淨化以及末端電-熱-氫-化多元利用成套技術裝備;

  2. 針對高分子工業有機固廢、汽車拆解破碎殘餘物、光風電工業有機邊角料與報廢組件有機組分、生物制藥與工業發酵殘渣幹化料等工業高熱值廢料,開發薄料層固定床氣化及燃氣或蒸汽耦合工業窯爐成套裝備;

  3. 針對涉重金屬有機危廢、醫療廢物等有機危險廢物,開發高溫富氧氣化熔融一體化技術與裝備;

  4. 針對農作物稭稈等纖維素類高固定碳有機固廢,開發順流式自壓貧氧熱解氣-炭聯産,及末端“氫-熱-電-炭-肥”多元利用成套技術裝備,等。


  1. 有機固廢資源化産品裝備相關标準體系建設;

  2. 有機固廢低碳利用産業研究與技術方案開發;

  3. 有機固廢利用項目自願減排核算方法學開發;

  4. 無廢城市建設規劃方案制定與技術裝備支撐,等。


  1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“汽車破碎殘餘物氣化過程含硫污染物的遷移轉化機制研究”,2023-2026;

  2. 企業委托技術服務項目“《陳腐生活垃圾制備固體回收燃料技術規範》團體标準制訂技術服務”,2022-2024;

  3. bevictor伟德官网-豐田聯合研究院聯合共建支撐項目“城市減污降碳協同增效關鍵技術及示範”子任務,2022-2024;

  4. 國家高端智庫-801 年度重點課題“減污降碳協同增效實現路徑及支撐制度研究”,2022;

  5. 企業委托技術服務項目“團體标準《固體回收燃料(SRF) 分類 分級》以及《MBT法處理生活垃圾制備固體回收燃料(SRF)的技術要求》技術服務”,2022-2023;

  6. 企業委托技術服務項目“有機固廢燃料化領域綜合技術服務”,2021-2023;

  7. 部委委托項目“環境領域工程科技未來20年發展戰略研究”,2021-2022;

  8. 企業委托技術服務項目“油漆渣危廢熱解氣化用于有機物去除和鋅組分定向富集的原理與工藝研究”,2021-2022;

  9. 科技部重點研發計劃課題“有機固廢協同處理能源化利用技術及應用研究” 子任務,2020-2023;

  10. 企業委托技術服務項目“有機固廢成型物料低焦油氣化及能源利用工藝與裝備設計優化與标準化研究”,2020-2021;

  11. 企業委托技術服務項目“高溫熔融實驗技術服務”,2020-2021;

  12. 科技部重點研發計劃課題“危廢焚燒飛灰、爐渣無害化及資源化利用技術研發” 子任務,2020-2023;

  13. 科技部重點研發計劃課題“多源城市固廢協同處理利用與二次污染控制集成技術”子任務,2020-2023;

  14. 2020 國家疫情應急攻關項目-工程院攻關-新型冠狀病毒傳播與環境的關系及風險防控,2020-2021;

  15. 企業委托技術服務項目“《固體廢棄物制備垃圾衍生燃料工藝技術要求》團體标準立項調研”,2019-2020;

  16. 科技部重點研發計劃“有機固廢高效清潔穩定焚燒關鍵技術與裝備”項目子課題“多種煙氣污染物協同淨化超低排放技術及裝備研究”課題,2019-2022;

  17. 甯波市科技創新2025重大專項 “生活垃圾熱解氣化成套裝備研究及工程示範”項目,“重金屬、二噁英等危害特性熱阻斷技術”課題,2019-2021;

  18. 企業委托技術服務項目,汽車拆解有機廢物立式熱解氣化處理技術服務,2018-2019;

  19. 青年人才科研啟動項目,2015-2018;

  20. bevictor伟德官网自主科研計劃學科交叉專項“城市污泥與木質廢物共氣化處理技術的研究”,2016-2018;

  21. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“高循環性能鈣基吸收劑用于煙氣CO2捕集與聯合水泥生産的基礎研究”,2016-2018;

  22. bevictor伟德官网自主科研計劃重點基礎研究課題“基于鈣矽基工業固廢的碳捕集材料開發及其應用基礎研究”,2015-2017;

  23. 綠色經濟與可持續發展中心項目,課題二“區域土壤污染及綜合控制策略研究”,2015-2018;

  24. 北京市優秀人才資助項目“二氧化碳捕集聯合水泥生産技術”,2015-2017;

  25. 教育部留學回國基金項目“工業廢渣源多晶态材料用于鈣基二氧化碳吸收劑抗燒結失活的機理研究”,2015-2017


  1. 日内瓦國際發明展,金獎,2022

  2. 中國發明創業獎成果獎,二等獎,2022

  3. 國家生态環境保護專業技術青年拔尖人才,2021

  4. 中國環境科學學會青年科學家獎,金獎,2020

  5. 國家級教學成果獎,二等獎,2018

  6. 北京市高等教育教學成果獎,一等獎,2017

  7. 入選國家第十一批青年人才,2015

  8. 入選北京市優秀人才計劃,2014

  9. 入選“bevictor伟德官网骨幹人才支持計劃”,2014

  10. 入選教育部“春晖計劃”,2012

  11. 第八屆bevictor伟德官网 – 橫山亮次優秀論文,2011

  12. 首屆澳大利亞十大傑出華人青年(金合歡獎)– 專業學術界獲獎人,2011

  13. 澳大利亞能源協會優秀博士論文,2010


代表性論文(H-Index=35, 截至2022-9-20;僅列出一作及通訊的Q1文章,按引用次數排序):

  1. Vineet Singh Sikarwar, Ming Zhao*, Peter Clough, Joseph Yao, Xia Zhong, Mohammad Zaki Memon, Nilay Shah, Edward J. Anthony and Paul S. Fennell*. An overview of advances in biomass gasification. Energy & Environmental Science, 2016, 9, 2939-2977. (EES封面論文; ESI高被引, 引用603次)

  2. Vineet Singh Sikarwar, Ming Zhao*, Paul S. Fennell, Nilay Shah and Edward J. Anthony*. Progress in biofuel production from gasification. Progress in Energy & Combustion Science, 2017, 61, 189-248. (ESI高被引, 引用341次)

  3. Abdul Raheem, Vineet Singh Sikarwar, Jun He, Wafa Dastyar, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Wei Wang, and Ming Zhao*. Opportunities and Challenges in Sustainable Treatment and Resource Reuse of Sewage Sludge: A Review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 337, 616-641. (ESI高被引,引用330次)

  4. Xiao Zhao, Hui Zhou, Vineet S. Sikarwar, Ming Zhao*, Ah-Hyung A. Park*, Paul S. Fennell, Laihong Shen and Liang-Shih Fan. Biomass-based Chemical Looping Technologies: the Good, the Bad and the Future. Energy & Environmental Science, 2017, 10(9), 1885-1910. (EES封面論文, ESI高被引, 引用280次)

  5. Abdul Raheem#, Pepijn Prinsen#, Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam#, Ming Zhao* and Rafael Luque*. A review on sustainable microalgae based biofuel and bioenergy production: Recent developments. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 181, 42-59. (ESI高被引, 引用224次)

  6. Ming Zhao*, Minett AI, Harris AT*. A review of techno-economic models for the retrofitting of conventional pulverized-coal power plants for post-combustion capture (PCC) of CO2. Energy & Environmental Science, 2013, 6, 25-40. (引用218次)

  7. Ming Zhao*, Jeffrey Shi, Xia Zhong, Sicong Tian, John Blamey, Jianguo Jiang*, and Paul S. Fennell*. Novel Calcium Looping Absorbent Incorporated with Polymorphic Spacers for CO2 Capture and Hydrogen Production. Energy & Environmental Science, 2014, 7, 3291-3295. (引用89次)

  8. Guozhao Ji, Joseph G. Yao, Peter T. Clough, João C. Diniz da Costa, Edward J. Anthony, Paul S. Fennell, Wei Wang and Ming Zhao*. Enhanced hydrogen production from thermochemical processes. Energy & Environmental Science, 2018, 11, 2647-2672. (封面論文, 引用75次)

  9. Ming Zhao, Florin NH and Harris AT*. The influence of supported Ni catalysts on the product gas distribution and H2 yield during cellulose pyrolysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009, 92, 185-193 (引用71次)

  10. Ming Zhao*, Church TL and Harris AT*. SBA-15 supported Ni-Co bimetallic catalysts for enhanced hydrogen production during cellulose decomposition, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2011, 101, 522-530. (引用70次)

  11. Yiran Fan, Geoff D. Fowler, Ming Zhao*. The Past, Present and Future of Carbon Black as A Rubber Reinforcing Filler – A Review. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 247, 119115. (引用67次)

  12. Zhao Xiao, Ji Guozhao, Liu Wen, He Xu, Anthony Edward J. and Zhao Ming*, Mesoporous MgO promoted with NaNO3/NaNO2 for rapid and high-capacity CO2 capture at moderate temperatures, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 332, 216-226. (引用64次)

  13. Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam#, Joseph G. Yao#, Nicholas Florin, Anthe George, Xiaoxiong Wang, Leen Labeeuw, Yuelu Jiang, Ryan W. Davis, Ali Abbas, Peter Ralph, Paul S. Fennell and Ming Zhao*. Impact of Flue Gas Compounds on Microalgae and Mechanisms for Carbon Assimilation and Utilization – A Review. ChemSusChem, 2018, 11(2), 334-355. (引用61次)

  14. Wafa Dastyar, Abdul Raheem, Jun He, and Ming Zhao*. Biofuel Production Using Thermochemical Conversion of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Biomass (HMCB) Harvested from Phytoextraction Process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 358, 759-785. (引用60次)

  15. Ming Zhao, Abdul Raheem, Zaki Mohammad Memon, Arun K.Vuppaladadiyam, Guozhao Ji*. Iso-conversional kinetics of low-lipid micro-algae gasification by air. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 207, 618-629. (引用50次)

  16. Muhammad Zaki Memon, Xiao Zhao, Vineet Singh Sikarwar, Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam, Steven J. Milne, Andy P. Brown, Jinhui Li, Ming Zhao*. Alkali Metal CO2 Sorbents and the Resulting Metal Carbonates: Potential for Process Intensification of Sorption-Enhanced Steam Reforming. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(1), 12-27. (引用48次)

  17. Ming Zhao*, Yang, X, Church TL and Harris AT*. Novel CaO-SiO2 sorbent and bifunctional Ni/Co-CaO/SiO2 complex for selective H2 synthesis from cellulose, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46, 2976-2983. (引用46次)

  18. Abdul Raheem, Guozhao Ji, Asif Memon, Siva Sivasangar, Wei Wang, Ming Zhao* and Yun Hin. Taufiq-Yap. Catalytic gasification of algal biomass for hydrogen-rich gas production: Parametric optimization via central composite design. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 158, 235-245. (引用46次)

  19. Guozhao Ji, Muhammad Zaki Memon, Haoran Zhuo, Ming Zhao*. Experimental study on CO2 capture mechanisms using Na2ZrO3 sorbents synthesized by soft chemistry method. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 313, 646–654. (引用40次)

  20. Ming Zhao, Florin NH and Harris AT. Mesoporous supported cobalt catalysts for enhanced H2 production during cellulose decomposition, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2010, 97, 142-150. (引用40次)

  21. Guozhao Ji, Ming Zhao*, and Geoff Wang. Computational fluid dynamic simulation of a sorption-enhanced palladium membrane reactor for enhancing hydrogen production from methane steam reforming. Energy, 2018, 147, 884-895. (引用39次)

  22. Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam, Hao Liu*, Ming Zhao*, Abdul F. Soomro, Muhammad Zaki Memon, Valerie Dupont, Thermogravimetric and kinetic analysis to discern synergy during the co-pyrolysis of microalgae and swine manure digestate. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2019, 12, 170. (引用38次)

  23. Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam, Pepijn Prinsen, Abdul Raheem, Rafael Luque, and Ming Zhao*. Sustainability Analysis of Microalgae Production Systems: A Review on Resource with Unexploited High-Value Reserves. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, 52(24), 14031–14049. (引用37次)

  24. Ji Guozhao#, Xu Xiaoyin#, Yang Hang, Zhao Xiao, He Xu, Zhao Ming*, Enhanced hydrogen production from sawdust decomposition using hybrid-functional Ni-CaO-Ca2SiO4 materials, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(19), 11484–11492. (引用36次)

  25. Hang Yang, Guozhao Ji, Peter T. Clough, Xiaoyin Xu, Ming Zhao*. Kinetics of catalytic biomass pyrolysis using Ni-based functional materials. Fuel Processing Technology. 2019, 195, 106145. (引用29次)

  26. Wafa Dastyar, Ming Zhao*, Wenyi Yuan, Hui Li, Zhao Jia Ting, Hosein Ghaedi, Hairong Yuan,  Xiujin Li, Wei Wang. Effective Pretreatment of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Biomass Using a Low-Cost Ionic Liquid (Triethylammonium Hydrogen Sulfate): Optimization by Response Surface Methodology-Box Behnken Design. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2019, 7(13), 11571-11581. (引用29次)

  27. Ming Zhao, Hanlu Fan, Feng Yan, Yinqiang Song, Xu He, Muhammad Zaki Memon, Suresh K. Bhatiac and Guozhao Ji*, Kinetic analysis for cyclic CO2 capture using lithium orthosilicate sorbents derived from different silicon precursors, Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47, 9038-9050. (引用28次)

  28. Faith Bamiduro, Guozhao Ji, Andy P. Brown, Valerie A. Dupont, Ming Zhao* and Steven J. Milne*. Spray-dried sodium zirconate: a rapid absorption powder for CO2 capture with enhanced cyclic stability. ChemSusChem, 2017, 10, 2059-2067. (引用25次)

  29. Guozhao Ji, Hang Yang, Muhammad Z Memon, Yuan Gao, Boyu Qu, Weng Fu, Gianni G Olguin, Ming Zhao*, Aimin Li*. Recent advances on kinetics of carbon dioxide capture using solid sorbents at elevated temperatures. Applied Energy. 2020, 267, 114874. (引用22次)

  30. Azra Nawar, Hosein Ghaedi*, Majid Ali*, Ming Zhao*, Naseem Iqbal, Rashid Khan. Recycling waste-derived marble powder for CO2 capture. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019, 214-225. (引用22次)

  31. Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam, Muhammad Zaki Memon, Guozhao Ji, Abdul Raheem, Ting Zhao Jia, Valerie Dupont, and Ming Zhao*. Thermal Characteristics and Kinetic Analysis of Woody Biomass Pyrolysis in the Presence of Bifunctional Alkali Metal Ceramics. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2019, 7(1), 238–248. (引用19次)

  32. Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam, Elsa Antunes, Paula Blanco Sanchez, Hubao Duan*, Ming Zhao*. Influence of microalgae on synergism during co-pyrolysis with organic waste biomass: A thermogravimetric and kinetic analysis. Renewable Energy. 2021, 167, 42-55. (引用17次)

  33. Ming Zhao, Muhammad Zaki Memon, Arun K Vuppaladadiyam, Guozhao Ji, Yinqiang Song, Abdul Raheem, Li Jinhui*, Hui Zhou*. Alkali metal bifunctional catalyst-sorbents enabled biomass pyrolysis for enhanced hydrogen production. Renewable Energy. 2020, 148, 168-175. (引用16次)

  34. Hosein Ghaedi, Ming Zhao*, Peter T. Clough, Edward. Anthony, Paul S. Fennell. High CO2 absorption in new amine based-transition-temperature mixtures (deep eutectic analogues) and reporting thermal stability, viscosity and surface tension: Response surface methodology (RSM). Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 316, 113863. (引用8次)

  35. Ming Zhao, Xiaomin Cui, Guozhao Ji, Hui Zhou, Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam, and Xiao Zhao*. Alkaline Thermal Treatment of Cellulosic Biomass for H2 Production Using Ca-based Bi-functional Materials. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2019, 7(1), 1202–1209. (引用8次)

  36. Wafa Dastyar, Abdul Raheem, Ming Zhao*, Wenyi Yuan*, Hui Li, Zhao Jia Ting. Effects of Ionic Liquid-Assisted Pretreatment of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Biomass on the Yield and Composition of Syngas Production Using Noncatalytic and Catalytic Pyrolysis and Gasification Processes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7(22), 18303-18312. (引用5次)

  37. Shujuan Zou#, Weiguo Dong#, Binhai Cheng*, Yeshui Zhang, Paul T. Williams*, Ming Zhao, Hybrid-functional material for sorption-enhanced hydrogen-rich syngas production from biomass: Effect of material preparation process. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2021, 144, 105886. (引用4次)

  38. Fan Wang, Binhai Cheng, Zhao Jia Ting, Weiguo Dong, Hui Zhou, Edward Anthony, Ming Zhao*. Two-stage gasification of sewage sludge for enhanced hydrogen production: alkaline pyrolysis coupled with catalytic reforming using waste-supported Ni catalysts. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020, 8, 13377-13386. (引用4次)

  39. Wei Wang, Binhai Cheng, Ming Zhao*, Edward Anthony, Rafael Luque, Dionysios D. Dionysiou. Boosting H2 yield from photoreforming of lignocellulose by thermo-alkaline hydrolysis with selective generation of a key intermediate product: Tartaric acid. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 257, 115444.


  1. 趙明, 王凡. 一種利用污泥熱化學反應制氫的方法. ZL 201711353051.2.國家發明專利.(2019-11-27授權)bevictor伟德官网成果轉化

  2. 趙明, 崔曉敏, 王凡. 一種用于生物質低溫氣化制取高純度氫的催化劑及其制備方法. ZL 201810054507.3. 國家發明專利.(2019-8-2授權)bevictor伟德官网成果轉化

  3. 趙明, 顧龍生, 周永林,徐帆帆,楊航,楊竹,王偉,趙翔宇. 汽車拆解廢物熱解氣化制取燃氣用于熔鋁爐的系統與工藝. ZL 202010027385.6國家發明專利.(2021-9-7授權)已産業化應用

  4. 趙明,董衛果,楊竹. 有機固廢加壓氣化及餘熱回收利用系統和方法. ZL 202011616462.8 國家發明專利(2021-8-13授權)已産業化應用

  5. 趙明,董衛果,楊竹. 有機固廢加壓氣化系統和方法. ZL 202011620969.0 國家發明專利(2021-8-3授權)已産業化應用

  6. 趙明,董衛果,楊竹. 雙層爐體固定床氣化爐及有機固廢氣化方法. ZL 202011620956.3 國家發明專利(2021-8-6授權)已産業化應用

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