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首頁 > 師資隊伍 > 教師 > 固體廢物控制與資源化教研所 > 正文







1994.03-1997.07 博士學位,環境化學,中國科學院生态環境研究中心環境水化學國家重點實驗室

1987.09-1990.06 碩士學位,環境化學與環境分析,南開大學環境科學系

1983.09-1987.07 學士學位,環境化學,南開大學環境科學系







1. 環境風險分析

2. 危險廢物處置技術

3. 環境外交與談判

4. 全球生态環境展望

5. 國際環境合作項目開發與管理

6. 環境科學與工程前沿講座

7. 可持續發展引論

8. 國際環境法概論

9. 國際組織和環境公約等


1. 全球環境治理與國際環境公約

2. 固體廢物和化學品管理政策

3. 固體廢物行業和“無廢城市”建設碳排放标準化

4. 固體廢物和危險廢物處理處置與污染控制工程

5. 循環經濟政策與共性技術

6. 電子廢物資源化技術

7. 環境技術評價與風險評價

8. 土壤污染修複


1. 榮譽稱号


(2)2016年 國家環境保護專業技術領軍人才,環境保護部

(3)2016年、2014年、2010年 bevictor伟德官网優秀博士學位論文指導教師,bevictor伟德官网

(4)2012年 bevictor伟德官网國際合作與交流暨港澳台工作先進個人,bevictor伟德官网

2. 科研獎勵

(1)2016年 國家科技進步二等獎,城市循環經濟發展共性技術開發與應用研究(排名1)

(2)2021年 湖北省技術發明一等獎,“退役動力锂電池閉路循環利用關鍵技術”(排名2)

(3)2021年 生活垃圾焚燒飛灰制造高價值建築用功能磚的新技術,第48屆日内瓦國際發明展覽會,銀獎(Innovative Technology for Making Value-added Functional Building Brick from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash, International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva,Silver Award)(排名1)

(4)2019年 中國環境保護産業協會環境技術進步獎一等獎,典型有色金屬高效回收及污染控制技術(排名1)

(5)2016年 環境保護部環境保護科學技術獎一等獎,固體廢物資源化環境安全評價與風險控制(排名3)

(6)2015年 中國循環經濟協會科學技術獎一等獎,典型城市固體廢物循環利用關鍵技術(排名1)

(7)2015年 環境保護科學技術獎二等獎,基于區域産業結構和物質流的大宗固體廢物資源化技術(排名6),環境保護部

(8)2014年 教育部科學技術進步獎一等,城市循環經濟發展共性技術開發與應用(排名2)

3. 教學獎勵

(1)2021年 bevictor伟德官网教學成果獎二等獎,“一帶一路”國家廢物與化學品環境治理能力課程體系建設及應用(排名1)

(2)2018年 教育部,國家級教學成果二等獎,多層次構建全球環境人才培養體系,全方位提升學生國際勝任力(排名12)

(3)2017年 北京市教育委員會,北京市高等教育教學成果獎一等獎,多層次構建全球環境人才培養體系,全方位提升學生國際勝任力(排名12)

(4)2016年 bevictor伟德官网教育教學成果一等獎,全球環境專業人才培養體系的構建與實踐(排名5)

4. 其他獎勵

(1)2019年 巴塞爾公約、斯德哥爾摩區域中心評估第一名(單位獎勵), 巴塞爾、鹿特丹、斯德哥爾摩公約聯合秘書處(Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (BCRC China) and Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Capacity-building and the Transfer of Technology in Asia and the Pacific (SCRC China) obtained respectively a full score during the performance evaluation of the Centres over the past biennium (2015-2018), Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions)

(2)2016年 中日韓三國環境部長會議環境獎(Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM) Environmental Award, Ministry of the Environment of Japan, Ministry of Environment of Republic of Korea, Ministry of Environmental Protection of People's Republic of China)

(3)2015年 巴塞爾公約、斯德哥爾摩區域中心評估第一名(單位獎勵), 巴塞爾、鹿特丹、斯德哥爾摩公約聯合秘書處(Basel Convention Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (BCRC China) and Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Capacity-building and the Transfer of Technology in Asia and the Pacific (SCRC China) obtained respectively a full score during the performance evaluation of the Centres over the past biennium (2013-2014), Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions)

(4)2014年 第四次SAICM亞太區域會議貢獻獎,聯合國環境規劃署(Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of successfully advancing the sound management of chemicals towards the 2020 Goal through completing the QSP project: "Capacity Strengthening and Information Exchange on PCBs Management in Selected Asia Countries" with the BCRC China as the Executing Agency, 4th Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting on SAICM,United Nations Environment Programme)

(5)2012年 國際化學品管理戰略方針銅獎,聯合國環境規劃署(Bronze Award, the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management,United Nations Environment Programme)

(6)2011年 斯德哥爾摩公約多氯聯苯消除網絡信息獎,聯合國環境規劃署斯德哥爾摩公約秘書處(2011 Stockholm Convention's PEN Awards, Secretariat's Award of the PCBs Elimination Network, Information Champion)


1. 2002年至今,巴塞爾公約亞太區域中心辦公室主任、執行秘書、執行主任

2. 2009年至今,斯德哥爾摩公約亞太地區能力建設與技術轉讓中心執行主任

3. 2014年至今 中國管理科學學會環境管理專業委員會主任

4. 2016年至今 中國環境科學學會循環經濟分會主任

5. 2017年至今 中國環境保護産業協會固體廢物處理利用委員會秘書長

6. 2019年至今 “無廢城市”建設試點咨詢專家委員會委員

7. 2010年至今 斯德哥爾摩公約消除多氯聯苯網絡(PEN)咨詢委員會委員

8. 2022年4月至今 關于計算機設備行動夥伴關系的後續夥伴關系工作組成員

9. 2020年至今 國家衛生城市評審專家


1. 2021年至今 Circular Economy,主編

2. 2017年至今 環境工程學報,副主編

3. 2021年至今 中國環境管理,編委

4. 2012年至今 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management,編委

5. 2007年至今 Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,編委


1. 固體廢物管理制度改革




(4)我國海關特殊監管區典型固體廢物管理體系研究,生态環境部固體廢物與化學品管理技術中心,2020.06-2020. 12;

(5)進口維修産品環境影響評估和管理措施研究,環境保護部固體廢物與化學品管理技術中心,2018.03 -2018.12;


2. “無廢城市”建設與次第推進







(7)北京經濟技術開發區“無廢城市”建設試點終期評估,北京經濟開發區城市運行局, 2020.04-2020.12;


(9) 三亞市“無廢城市”建設試點實施專業技術服務,三亞市生态環境局, 2020.07-2021.03;

3. 塑料污染治理

(1)中挪雙邊合作項目-塑料及污染削減能力建設項目,挪威外交部,2019-2022(Sino-Norwegian cooperation project on capacity building for reducing plastic and microplastic pollution,the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,2019-2022)





(6)亞洲塑料廢物越境轉移政策及其執行分析,聯合國環境規劃署巴塞爾、鹿特丹和斯德哥爾摩公約秘書處,2022(Analysis of regulations on transboundary movement of plastic waste and their implementation in Asia,The Secretariat of the Basel Convention/ United Nations Environment Programme,2022)

(7)《巴塞爾公約》下電子廢物環境無害化管理能力建設與意識提升,聯合國環境規劃署巴塞爾、鹿特丹和斯德哥爾摩公約秘書處,2022(Capacity building and awareness raising on ESM of e-waste under the Basel Covention, The Secretariat of the Basel Convention/ United Nations Environment Programme,2022)

(8)塑料廢物夥伴關系項目—外賣一次性塑料餐盒替代與收集,聯合國環境規劃署巴塞爾、鹿特丹和斯德哥爾摩公約秘書處,2022-2024(Replacement and collection of single-use plastic container for take-out food,The Secretariat of the Basel Convention/ United Nations Environment Programme,2022-2024)

(9)中國塑料包裝産業循環經濟發展戰略研究,艾倫·麥克阿瑟基金會,2021.06-2021.12;(A circular economy for plastics in China Project,Ellen MacArthur Foundation,2021)

(10)亞太國家對一次性塑料及其廢物進行無害環境管理的能力建設,聯合國環境規劃署巴塞爾、鹿特丹和斯德哥爾摩公約秘書處,2021(Capacity Building on Environmentally Sound Management of Single-use Plastic and its Waste in Asia-pacific Countries,Secretariat of the Basel , Rotterdam and Stockholm(BRS) Conventions/ United Nations Environment Programme,2021)

4. 巴塞爾公約/斯德哥爾摩公約談判與履約策略



(3)全球POPs公約國家實施計劃開發、評估與更新,聯合國環境規劃署,2022-2025(Global Development, Review and Update of National Implementation Plans (NIPs) under the Stockholm Convention (SC) on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs),United Nations Environment Programme,2022-2025)

(4)糧食和流動部門可持續消費和生産——案例研究,聯合國環境規劃署巴塞爾、鹿特丹和斯德哥爾摩公約秘書處,2021(Sustainable Consumption and Production in Food and E-mobility Sectors – Case Studies in Beijing, China,United Nations Environment Programme,2021)

(5)通過促進了解和能力建設在亞洲實施化學品和廢物多變環境協定,聯合國環境規劃署,2019-2020(Implementing chemicals and waste multilateral environmental agreements in Asia through enhancing understanding and building capacity, United Nations Environment Programme, 2019-2021)

5. 電子廢物、新興固體廢物資源化與管理





(5)廣東省科技專項課題6-基于互聯網+的電子廢棄物智能處置關鍵技術研究及示範項目,佛山市順德鑫還寶資源利用有限公司,2019. -2023;

(6)澳門典型電子廢物設備應用及後續處理研究項目,澳門特别行政區環保局,2014. -2016;




(10)巴塞爾公約電子廢物環境無害化管理能力建設與意識提升,聯合國環境規劃署巴塞爾、鹿特丹和斯德哥爾摩公約秘書處,2022-2023(Capacity building and awareness raising on the e-waste ESM under the Basel Convention,Secretariat of the Basel Convention/ United Nations Environment Programme,2022-2023)

(11)根據斯德哥爾摩公約第7條和第15條改進信息傳輸的綜合工具包,聯合國環境規劃署,2022(Integrated SC toolkit to improve the transmission of information under Articles 07 and 15,United Nations Environment Programme,2022)

6. 固體廢物全流程管理與減污降碳






7. 危險廢物管理






(6)北京市危險廢物處理處置設施布局規劃研究,北京市環境保護局, 2017

(7)中歐環境可持續項目,中國熒光燈收集處理示範項目,歐盟委員會2013-2016(China Fluorescent Lamps collection and treatment demonstration project,European Commission,2013-2016)



  1. Jiadong Yu, Shujuan Zou, Guiyin Xu, Lili Liu, Ming Zhao, Jinhui Li*. In-situ enhanced catalytic reforming behavior of cobalt-based materials with inherent zero-valent aluminum in spent lithium ion batteries [J]. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 303: 120920.

  2. Mahmoud Bakry, Jinhui Li, and Xianlai Zeng. Evaluating global niobium flow modeling and its market forecasting. Frontiers in Energy 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11708-022-0823-y

  3. Xianlai Zeng, Oladele A. Ogunseitan, Shinichiro Nakamura, Sangwon Suh, Ulrich Kral, Jinhui Li, and Yong Geng. Reshaping global policies for circular economy [J]. Circular Economy 2022, 100003

  4. Qudsia Kanwal, Xianlai Zeng, Jinhui Li*. Drivers-pressures-state-impact-response framework of hazardous waste management in China [J]. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2022, 52 (16), 2930-2961.

  5. Xianlai Zeng, Tongxin Xiao, Guochang Xu, Eva Albalghiti, Guijuan Shan, and Jinhui Li*. Comparing the costs and benefits of virgin and urban mining. Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 2022, 2022, 7 (1), 98-106.

  6. Youping Miao, Lili Liu, Yuping Zhang, Quanyin Tan, Jinhui Li*. An overview of global power lithium-ion batteries and associated critical metal recycling [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 425: 127900.

  7. Disna Eheliyagoda, Jinhui Li, Yong Geng, Xianlai Zeng. The role of China's aluminum recycling on sustainable resource and emission pathways. Resources Policy 2022, 76, 102552.

  8. Yangyang Liang, Quanyin Tan, Qingbin Song, Jinhui Li*. An analysis of the plastic waste trade and management in Asia [J]. Waste Managment, 2021, 119: 242-253.

  9. Mengmeng Wang, Quanyin Tan, Qifei Huang, Lili Liu, Joseph F. Chiang, Jinhui Li*. Converting spent lithium cobalt oxide battery cathode materials into high-value products via a mechanochemical extraction and thermal reduction route [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 413: 125222.

  10. Xianlai Zeng*, Jinhui Li*. Emerging anthropogenic circularity science: principles, practices, and challenges [J]. iScience, 2021, 24(3): 102237.

  11. Jiadong Yu, Minsong Lin, Quanyin Tan*, Jinhui Li*. High-value utilization of graphite electrodes in spent lithium-ion batteries: From 3D waste graphite to 2D graphene oxide [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 401: 123715.

  12. Francesca Dal Mas, Xianlai Zeng, Qifei Huang, Jinhui Li*. Quantifying material flow of oily sludge in China and its implications [J]. Journal of Environmental Manage, 2021, 287: 112115.

  13. Kang Liu, Lili Liu, Quanyin Tan*, Jinhui Li*. Selective extraction of lithium from a spent lithium iron phosphate battery by mechanochemical solid-phase oxidation [J]. Green Chemistry, 2021, 23(3): 1344-1352.

  14. Xianlai Zeng, Saleem H. Ali, and Jinhui Li. Estimation of waste outflows for multiple product types in China from 2010-2050. Scientific Data, 2021. 8, (1), 15.

  15. Mengmeng Wang, Quanyin Tan, Lili Liu, Jinhui Li*. Selective regeneration of lithium from spent lithium-ion batteries using ionic substitution stimulated by mechanochemistry [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 279: 123612.

  16. Yuan Chen, Abhishek Kumar Awasthi, Fan Wei, Quanyin Tan, Jinhui Li*. Single-use plastics: Production, usage, disposal, and adverse impacts [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 752: 141772.

  17. Yangyang Liang, Qingbin Song*, Gang Liu, Jinhui Li*. Uncovering residents and restaurants' attitude and willingness toward effective food waste management: A case study of Macau [J]. Waste Management, 2021, 130: 107-116.

  18. Jiadong Yu, Yanjun Liu, Shiping Han, Quanyin Tan, Lili Liu, Jinhui Li*. Unveiling Sodium Ion Pollution in Spray-Dried Precursors and Its Implications for the Green Upcycling of Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(21): 14897-14905.

  19. Jiadong Yu , Quanyin Tan **, Jinhui Li*,Exploring a green route for recycling spent lithium-ion batteries:Revealing and solving deep screening problem. Journal of Cleaner Production 255 (2020) 12026

  20. Kang Liu, Quanyin Tan, Lili Liu, Jinhui Li*. From lead paste to high-value nano-lead sulfide products: a new application of mechanochemistry in the recycling of spent lead-acid batteries. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2020), 8, (9), 3547-3552.

  21. Chen Yuan, Li Jinhui*, Tan Quanyin. Trends of Production, Consumption and Environmental Emissions of Decabromodiphenyl Ether in Mainland China. Environmental Pollution, 2020,260:114022.

  22. Quanyin Tan, Lili Liu, Miao Yu, Jinhui Li*. An Innovative Method of Recycling Metals in Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Using Solutions from PCB Production." Journal of Hazardous Materials (2020): 121892.

  23. Xianlai Zeng, Saleem H. Ali, Jinping Tian, Jinhui Li*. Mapping Anthropogenic Mineral Generation in China and its Implications for a Circular Economy. Nature Communications, 2020,11(1)

  24. Yu Jiadong, Lin Minsong, Tan Quanyin*, Li Jinhui*. High-value utilization of graphite electrodes in spent lithium-ion batteries: From 3D waste graphite to 2D graphene oxide. Journal of Hazardous Materials. (401), 2021, 123715.

  25. Wang Mengmeng, Tan Quanyin, Liu Lili, Li Jinhui*, Selective regeneration of lithium from spent lithium-ion batteries using ionic substitution stimulated by mechanochemistry. Journal of Cleaner Production, (279), 2021, 123612.

  26. Awasthi Abhishek Kumar*, Tan Quanyin, Li Jinhui*, Biotechnological Potential for Microplastic Waste. Trends in biotechnology. (38), 2020, 1196-1199.

  27. Liang Yangyang, Tan Quanyin*, Song Qingbin; Li, Jinhui*. An analysis of the plastic waste trade and management in Asia. Waste management. (119), 2020, 242-253.

  28. Chen Yuan, Awasthi Abhishek Kumar, Wei Fan, Tan Quanyin, Li Jinhui*. Single-use plastics: Production, usage, disposal, and adverse impacts. The Science of the total environment. (752), 2020, 141772.

  29. Eheliyagoda, Disna; Zeng, Xianlai; Li, Jinhui*. A method to assess national metal criticality: the environment as a foremost measurement. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume. (7), 2020, 43.

  30. Wang Mengmeng, Tan Quanyin, Liu Lili, Li Jinhui*, Revealing the Dissolution Mechanism of Polyvinylidene Fluoride of Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries in Waste Oil-Based Methyl Ester Solvent. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. (8), 2020, 7489-7496.

  31. Tan Quanyin, Liu Lili, Yu Miao, Li Jinhui*. An innovative method of recycling metals in printed circuit board (PCB) using solutions from PCB production. Journal of Hazardous Materials. (390), 2020, 121892.

  32. Yu Jiadong, Tan Quanyin*, Li Jinhui*. Exploring a green route for recycling spent lithium-ion batteries: Revealing and solving deep screening problem. Journal of Cleaner Production. (255), 2020, 120269.

  33. Zhao Ming, Memon Muhammad, Ji Guozhao, Yang Xiaoxiao, Vuppaladadiyam,Arun K., Song Yinqiang, Raheem Abdul, Li Jinhui*, Wang Wei, Zhou Hui. Alkali metal bifunctional catalyst-sorbents enabled biomass pyrolysis for enhanced hydrogen production. Renewable Energy. (148), 2020, 168-175.

  34. Liu Kang, Tan Quanyin, Liu Lili, Li Jinhui*. From Lead Paste to High-Value Nanolead Sulfide Products: A New Application of Mechanochemistry in the Recycling of Spent Lead-Acid Batteries. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (8), 2020, 3547-3552.

  35. Disna Eheliyagod, Fan Wei, Guijuan Shan, Eva Albalghiti, Xianlai Zeng*, Jinhui Li*. Examining the Temporal Demand and Sustainability of Copper in China." Environmental science & technology 53.23 (2019): 13812-13821.

  36. Abhishek Kumar Awasthi, Jinhui Li*. Sustainable Bioprospecting of Electronic Waste - Trends in biotechnology, 2019, 37 (7), 677-680

  37. Mengmeng Wang, Quanyin Tan, Lili Liu, Jinhui Li*, A low-toxicity and high-efficiency deep eutectic solvent for the separation of aluminum foil and cathode materials from spent lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Hazardous Materials 380 (2019) 120846.

  38. Disna Eheliyagoda, Xianlai Zeng*, Zhishi Wang, Eva Albalghiti, Jinhui Li*, Forecasting the temporal stock generation and recycling potential of metals towards a sustainable future: The case of gallium in China, Science of the Total Environment 689 (2019) 332-340.

  39. Kang Liu, Quanyin Tan, Lili Liu, Jinhui Li*, Acid-Free and Selective Extraction of Lithium from Spent Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries via a Mechanochemically Induced Isomorphic Substitution, Environmental Science & Technology 53 (2019) 9781-9788.

  40. Mengmeng Wang, Quanyin Tan, Lili Liu, Jinhui Li*, A Facile, Environmentally Friendly, and Low-Temperature Approach for Decomposition of Polyvinylidene Fluoride from the Cathode Electrode of Spent Lithium-ion Batteries, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (2019) 12799-12806.

  41. Abhishek Kumar Awasthi, Jinhui Li*, Sustainable Bioprospecting of Electronic Waste, Trends in Biotechnology 37 (2019) 677-680.

  42. Abhishek Kumar Awasthi, Jinhui Li*, Mechano-microbial systems: An ecofriendly approach for copper bioleaching from waste printed circuit board, Waste Management & Research 37 (2019) 656-661.

  43. Mengmeng Wang, Quanyin Tan, Lili Liu, Jinhui Li*, Efficient Separation of Aluminum Foil and Cathode Materials from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using a Low-Temperature Molten Salt, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (2019) 8287-8294.

  44. Yuan Chen, Shite Li, Quanyin Tan, Jinhui Li*. Youping Miao. Study on WEEE cpllection and recycling sheme in typical ASIA-PACIFIC countries, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 18 (2019) 1487-1498.

  45. Abhishek Kumar Awasthi, Jinhui Li, Lenny Koh & Oladele A. Ogunseitan*, Circular economy and electronic waste, Nature Electronics 2 (2019) 86-89.

  46. Jiajia Wang, Lixia Zheng, Jinhui Li*, A critical review on the sources and instruments of marine microplastics and prospects on the relevant management in China, Waste Management & Research 36 (2018) 898-911.

  47. Mengmeng Wang, Quanyin Tan, and Jinhui Li*. "Unveiling the Role and Mechanism of Mechanochemical Activation on Lithium Cobalt Oxide Powders from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries." Environmental science & technology 52.22 (2018): 13136-13143.

  48. Quanyin Tan, Huabo Duan, Lili Liu, Jie Yang, Jinhui Li*, Rethinking residential consumers' behavior in discarding obsolete mobile phones in China, Journal of Cleaner Production 195 (2018) 1228-1236.

  49. Abhishek Kumar Awasthi, Mengmeng Wang, Mrigendra Kumar Awasthi, Zhishi Wang, Jinhui Li*, Environmental pollution and human body burden from improper recycling of e-waste in China: A short-review, Environmental Pollution 243 (2018) 1310-1316.

  50. Congren Yang, Quanyin Tan, Xianlai Zeng, Yuping Zhang, Zhishi Wang, Jinhui Li*, Measuring the sustainability of tin in China, Science of The Total Environment 635 (2018) 1351-1359.

  51. Quanyin Tan, Jinhui Li*, Craig Boljkovac, Responding to China’s Waste Import Ban through a New, Innovative, Cooperative Mechanism, Environmental science & technology 52 (2018) 7595-7597.

  52. Abhishek Kumar Awasthi, Mengmeng Wang, Zhishi Wang, Mrigendra Kumar Awasthi, Jinhui Li*, E-waste management in India: A mini-review, Waste Management & Research 36 (2018) 408-414.

  53. Kehan He, Quanyin Tan, Lixia Zheng, Jinhui Li*, Adapting to new policy environment – past pattern and future trend in us-sino waste plastic trade flow, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 25 (2018) 703-712.

  54. Xianlai Zeng, Ming Xu, Jinhui Li*, Examining the sustainability of China’s nickel supply: 1950–2050, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 139 (2018) 188-193.

  55. Zeng, Xianlai, John A. Mathews, and Jinhui Li. "Urban Mining of E-Waste is Becoming More Cost-Effective Than Virgin Mining." Environmental science & technology 52.8 (2018): 4835-4841.

  56. Abhishek Kumar Awasthi, Jinhui Li*, Assessing resident awareness on e-waste management in Bangalore, India: a preliminary case study, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25 (11): 11163-11172.

  57. Yan Xu, Jinhui Li*, Quanyin Tan*, Anesia Lauren Peters, Congren Yang, Global status of recycling waste solar panels: A review, Waste Management, 2018, 75:450-458.

  58. Quanyin Tan & Jinhui Li*. Sustainable development: Manage chemicals and waste globally [J]. Nature, 2017, 547(7662):162-162.(correspondence)

  59. Huabo Duan, Jinhui Li & Gang Liu*. Growing threat of urban waste dumps [J]. Nature, 2017, 546(7660):599-599 .(correspondence)(第二作者)

  60. 黃文博, 李金惠, 曾現來. 固體廢物無害化精準定量評估及科學啟示:以典型工業廢物為例. 科學通報 2022, 67(7): 686-696

  61. 李金惠*. “無廢城市”建設:生态文明體制改革的新方向 [J]. 人民論壇, 2021, 14): 30-2.

  62. 李金惠*, 張上, 孫乾予. 我國工業固體廢物處理利用産業狀況分析與展望 [J]. 環境保護, 2021, 49(02): 14-8.

  63. 郝碩碩, 董慶銀, 李金惠*. 基于成本核算的廢舊動力電池回收模式分析與趨勢研究 [J]. 中國環境科學, 2021, 41(10): 4745-55.

  64. 李金惠*, 劉康, 劉麗麗. 固體廢物有價資源機械力化學清潔提取技術的研究進展 [J]. 環境工程學報, 2021, 15(04): 1131-9.

  65. 王佳佳, 趙娜娜, 李金惠*. 中國海洋微塑料污染現狀與防治建議 [J],中國環境科學, 2019(7)

  66. 紮西德吉, 曾現來, 趙娜娜, 李金惠.中國固體廢物進出口格局演化分析——以廢紙為例[J].中國環境管理,2019,11(02):31-36.


  1. 曾現來;李金惠. 廢物可回收性資源屬性評估系統V1.0. 證書号: 7258246, 2021.1.15

  2. 李金惠, 孫乾予, 曾現來, 劉麗麗, 譚全銀, 張國斌. 一種綜合回收金屬尾礦中銅、鐵礦物的方法,中國,專利号: ZL202010795020.8

  3. 李金惠, 劉康, 劉麗麗, 譚全銀. 一種将廢鉛酸電池的鉛膏轉化為納米硫化鉛的方法,中國,專利号: ZL 201910410759X 

  4. 李金惠, 劉康, 劉麗麗, 譚全銀. 一種采用高鐵爐渣原位吸附廢棄锂電池中氟化物的方法,中國,專利号: ZL2019104107655

  5. 李金惠, 劉康, 劉麗麗, 譚全銀. 一種采用赤泥分離廢棄锂電池正極材料和鋁箔的方,中國,專利号: ZL2019104138899

  6. 李金惠, 餘嘉棟, 譚全銀. 一種廢舊三元锂電池軟包全組分回收的方法,中國,專利号: ZL201910822814.6

  7. 李金惠, 李揚, 譚全銀. 一種利用生活垃圾焚燒飛灰制作瀝青混凝土的技術。中國,專利号: ZL201810209307.0

  8. 李金惠, 李揚, 譚全銀. 一種生活垃圾焚燒飛灰制磚技術,中國,專利号: ZL201810208915.X

  9. 李金惠, 李揚, 譚全銀. 一種利用生活垃圾焚燒飛灰和爐渣制磚的技術,中國,專利号: ZL201810209824.8

  10. 李金惠, 李揚, 譚全銀. 一種利用生活垃圾焚燒飛灰制作防水氯氧鎂耐火磚的技術,中國,專利号: ZL201810208940.8

  11. 李金惠, 王萌萌, 譚全銀, 劉麗麗. 一種從廢棄锂離子電池中直接再生高純度碳酸锂的方法,中國,專利号: ZL2018113377381.1

  12. 李金惠, 董慶銀, 梁揚揚, 劉麗麗, 許言. 一種用于墨盒外殼回收的清洗劑、清洗裝置及清洗方法, 中國, 專利号: ZL201710236319.8


  1. 李金惠,譚全銀, 劉麗麗, 等. 《電子廢物協同回收處理技術與應用》, 2022, 中國環境出版集團.

  2. 周志強, 李金惠.《無廢城市建設模式探索與案例》,2021,科學出版社.

  3. 李金惠,《環境管理藍皮書-中國環境管理發展報告(2020~2021)》,2021,社會科學文獻出版社

  4. 錢易, 李金惠.《生态文明建設理論研究》,2020,科學出版社.

  5. 陳勇, 呼和濤力, 李金惠, 雷廷宙, 溫宗國主編.《中部地區生态文明建設及發展戰略研究》,2020,科學出版社.

  6. 李金惠, 譚全銀, 曾現來, 王萌萌.《危險廢物污染防治理論與技術》,2018,科學出版社.

  7. 李金惠, 譚全銀.《環境風險評價方法與實踐》,2018,中國環境出版集團.

  8. 李金惠, 董慶銀, 段立哲, 王佳佳等.《廢熒光燈管收集與處理政策研究與示範》,2018,中國環境出版社.

  9. 李金惠, 賈少華, 譚全銀.《環境外交基礎與實踐》,2018,中國環境出版社.

  10. 李金惠, 陸冬森, 麼新, 劉麗麗, 董慶銀等.《歐盟報廢電子電氣設備(WEEE)指令研究》,2018,中國環境出版集團.
