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首頁 > 師資隊伍 > 教師 > 固體廢物控制與資源化教研所 > 正文







2014.09-2019.06  北京大學,化學與分子工程學院,博士

2010.09-2014.07  北京大學,化學與分子工程學院,學士


2023.12至今    bevictor伟德官网,助理教授、特别研究員

2020.06-2023.11  美國萊斯大學,博士後

2019.07-2020.05  美國哈佛大學,博士後



Tungsten,  Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, Exploration, Carbon Neutralization期刊青年編委

Nature Communications, Journal of Clenaer Production, Chemical Engineering Journal, ACS Applied Nano Materials, ACS Applied Materials Interface等期刊審稿人


1. 戰略性關鍵金屬循環回收和選擇性分離

2. 新能源産業固廢低碳處理和資源化利用

3. 塑料、橡膠等有機固廢升級轉化制備功能碳材料和化學品



  1. 萊斯大學Excellence in Postdoctoral Research Award (2022)

  2. 北京市優秀博士畢業生 (2019)

  3. 北京大學優秀博士畢業生(2019)

  4. 國家獎學金(2015,2018)

  5. 北京大學優秀科研獎(2015)




成果簡介:截至2024年11月,研究成果共發表SCI論文60篇,其中20篇以第一/共一/通訊作者發表于Nature Sustainability, Nature Chemical Engineering, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Science Bulletin, Advanced Materials, Communications Engineering等重要學術期刊。谷歌學術引用4500餘次,H因子33。申請或獲授權中國、美國專利40餘項,參與編寫專著3本。


1.    Bing Deng#,*, Shichen Xu,# Lucas Eddy, Jaeho Shin, Yi Cheng, Carter Kittrell, Khalil JeBailey, Justin Sharp, Long Qian, Shihui Chen, James M. Tour*, Flash separation of metals by electrothermal chlorination, Nature Chemical Engineering, 2024, 1, 627-637. [link]

2.   Yi Cheng#, Bing Deng#,*, Phelecia Scotland, Lucas Eddy, Arman Hassan, Bo Wang, Karla J. Silva, Bowen Li, Kevin M. Wyss, Mine G. Ucak-Astarlioglu, Jinhang Chen, Qiming Liu, Tengda Si, Shichen Xu, Xiaodong Gao, Debadrita Jana, Mark Albert Torres, Michael S. Wong, Boris I. Yakobson, Khalil JeBailey, Debadrita Jana, Mark Albert Torres, Michael S. Wong, Boris I. Yakobson, Christopher Griggs, Matthew A. McCary, Yufeng Zhao,* James M. Tour,* Electrothermal mineralization of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances for soil remediation, Nature Communications 2024, 15, 6117. [link]

3.     Yi Cheng#, Jinhang Chen#, Bing Deng#, Weiyin Chen, Lucas Eddy, Gang Wu, Ying Chen, Bowen Li, Carter Kittrell, Shichen Xu, Tengda Si, Angel Martí, Boris I. Yakobson, Yufeng Zhao,* James M. Tour,* Flash upcycling of waste glass fiber-reinforced plastics to phase-controllable silicon carbide, Nature Sustainability, 2024, 7, 452-462. [link]

4.   Bing Deng#,*, Zhe Wang#, Chi Hun Choi, Gang Li, Zhe Yuan, Jinhang Chen, Duy Xuan Luong, Lucas Eddy, Bongki Shin, Alexander Lathem, Weiyin Chen, Yi Cheng, Shichen Xu, Yimo Han, Boris I. Yakobson, Yufeng Zhao,* James M. Tour*, Kinetically controlled synthesis of metallic glass nanoparticles with expanded phase space, Advanced Materials, 2024, 36, 2309956. [link]

5.     Bing Deng#,*, Robert A. Carter#, Yi Cheng#, Yuan Liu, Lucas Eddy, Kevin M. Wyss, Mine G. Ucak-Astarlioglu, Duy Xuan Luong, Khalil JeBailey, Carter Kittrell, Debadrita Jana, Mark Albert Torres, Janet Braam, James M. Tour*, High-Temperature Electrothermal Remediation of Multi-pollutants in Soil, Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 6371. [link]

6.     Bing Deng#,*, Wei Meng#, Pual A. Advincula, Lucas Eddy, Mine G. Ucak-Astarlioglu, Kevin M. Wyss, Weiyin Chen, Robert A. Carter, Gang Li, Yi Cheng, Satish Nagarajaiah*, James M. Tour*, Heavy Metal Removal from Coal Fly Ash for Low Carbon Footprint Cement, Communications Engineering 2023, 2, 13. [link]

7.     Bing Deng, Zhe Wang, Weiyin Chen, John Tianci Li, Duy Xuan Luong, Robert A. Carter, Guanhui Gao, Boris I. Yakobson, Yufeng Zhao*, James M. Tour*, Phase Controlled Synthesis of Transition Metal Carbide Nanocrystals by Ultrafast Flash Joule Heating, Nature Communications 2022, 13, 262. [link]

8.     Bing Deng, Xin Wang, Duy Xuan Luong, Robert A. Carter, Zhe Wang, Mason B. Tomson, James M. Tour*, Rare Earth Elements from Wastes, Science Advances 2022, 8, eabm3132. [link]

9.     Bing Deng, Pual A. Advincula, Duy Xuan Luong, Jinan Zhou, Boyu Zhang, Zhe Wang, Emily A. McHugh, Jinhang Chen, Robert A. Carter, Carter Kittrell, Jun Lou, Boris I. Yakobson, Yuji Zhao, Yufeng Zhao*, James M. Tour*, High-Surface-Area Corundum Nanoparticles by Resistive Hotspot-Induce Phase Transformation, Nature Communications 2022, 13, 5027. [link]

10.     Bing Deng, Duy Xuan Luong, Zhe Wang, Carter Kittrell, Emily A. McHugh, James M. Tour*, Urban Mining by Flash Joule Heating, Nature Communications 2021, 12, 5794. [link]

11.     Bing Deng#, Yuan Hou#, Ying Liu#, Tymofiy Khodkov, Stijin Goossens, Jilin Tang, Yani Wang, Rui Yan, Yin Du, Frank H. L. Koppens, Xiaoding Wei*, Zhong Zhang*, Zhongfan Liu*, Hailin Peng*, Growth of Ultraflat Graphene with Greatly Enhanced Mechanical Properties, Nano Letters 2020, 20, 6798-6806. [link]

12.    Bing Deng#, Binbin Wang#, Ning Li#, Rongtan Li, Yani Wang, Jilin Tang, Qiang Fu, Zhen Tian, Peng Gao*, Jiamin Xue*, Hailin Peng*. Interlayer Decoupling in 30º Twisted Bilayer Graphene Quasicrystal, ACS Nano 2020, 14, 1656-1664. [link]

13.  Bing Deng, Zhongfan Liu*, Hailin Peng*, Toward Mass Production of CVD Graphene Films, Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1800996. [link]

14.  Qianqian Meng#, Bing Deng#, Huimin Zhang#, Biyan Wang, Wenfeng Zhang, Yuehua Wen, Hai Ming, Xiayu Zhu, Yuepeng Guan, Yu Xiang, Meng Li, Gaoping Cao, Yusheng Yang, Hailin Peng*, Hao Zhang*, Yaqin Huang*, Heterogeneous Nucleation and Growth of Electrodeposited Lithium Metal on the Basal Plane of Single-Layer Graphene, Energy Storage Materials 2019, 16, 419-425. [link]

15.  Bing Deng, Zhaowei Xin, Ruiwen Xue, Shishu Zhang, Xiaozhi Xu, Jing Gao, Jilin Tang, Yue Qi, Yani Wang, Yan Zhao, Luzhao Sun, Huihui Wang, Kaihui Liu, Mark H. Rummeli, Lu-Tao Weng, Zhengtang Luo, Lianming Tong, Xinyu Zhang, Changsheng Xie, Zhongfan Liu*, Hailin Peng*, Scalable and Ultrafast Epitaxial Growth of Single-Crystal Graphene Wafers for Electrically Tunable Liquid-Crystal Microlens Arrays. Science Bulletin 2019, 64, 659-668. [link]

16.  Bing Deng, Juanxia Wu, Shishu Zhang, Yue Qi, Liming Zheng, Hao Yang, Jilin Tang, Lianming Tong, Jin Zhang, Zhongfan Liu*, Hailin Peng*, Anisotropic Strain Relaxation of Graphene by Corrugation on Copper Crystal Surfaces, Small 2018, 14, 1800725. [link]

17.  Bing Deng, Zhenqian Pang, Shulin Chen, Xin Li, Caixia Meng, Jaiyu Li, Mengxi Liu, Juanxia Wu, Yue Qi, Wenhui Dang, Hao Yang, Yanfeng Zhang, Jin Zhang, Ning Kang, Hongqi Xu, Qiang Fu, Xiaohui Qiu, Peng Gao, Yujie Wei*, Zhongfan Liu*, Hailin Peng*, Wrinkle-Free Single-Crystal Graphene Wafer Grown on Strain-Engineered Substrates, ACS Nano 2017, 11, 12337-12345. [link]

18.  Chen Zhao#, Bing Deng#, Guanchu Chen, Bo Lei, Hong Hua, Hailin Peng*, Zhimin Yan*, Large-Area Chemical Vapor Deposition-Grown Monolayer Graphene-Wrapped Silver Nanowires for Broad-Spectrum and Robust Antimicrobial Coating, Nano Research 2016, 9, 963-973. [link]

19.  Bing Deng#, Po-Chun Hsu#, Guanchu Chen, B. N. Chandrashekar, Lei Liao, Zhawulie Ayitimuda, Jinxiong Wu, Yunfan Guo, Li Lin, Yu Zhou, Mahaya Aisijiang, Qin Xie, Yi Cui*, Zhongfan Liu*, Hailin Peng*, Roll-to-Roll Encapsulation of Metal Nanowires between Graphene and Plastic Substrate for High-Performance Flexible Transparent Electrodes, Nano Letters 2015, 15, 4206-4213. [link]

20.  Bananakere Nanjegowda Chandrashekar#, Bing Deng#, Ankanahalli Shankaregowda Smitha, Yubin Chen, Congwei Tan, Haixia Zhang, Hailin Peng*, Zhongfan Liu*, Roll-to-Roll Green Transfer of CVD Graphene onto Plastic for a Transparent and Flexible Triboelectric Nanogenerator, Advanced Materials 2015, 27, 5210-5216. [link]



1. 彭海琳,鄧兵,劉忠範,ZL 201510069588.0,一種石墨烯和金屬納米線複合透明導電塑料薄膜及其制備方法與應用

2. 劉忠範,鄧兵,彭海琳,ZL 201510837047.8, 一種CVD石墨烯向塑料基底卷對卷轉移的方法及裝置

3. 彭海琳,黨文輝,鄧兵ZL201710579772.9,一種高導電性石墨烯薄膜及其制備方法

4. 黨文輝,彭海琳,鄭黎明,鄧兵ZL201710133783.4,一種直接刻蝕金屬基底制備石墨烯基透射電鏡載網支撐膜的方法

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7. 彭海琳,鄧兵,劉忠範,ZL201710522321.1,一種制備超平整銅單晶薄膜的方法

8. 彭海琳,鄭黎明,鄧兵ZL201811381142.1,  一種選擇性刻蝕生長基底制備懸空石墨烯支撐膜的方法

9. 彭海琳,劉忠範,閻睿,鄧兵,杜音,ZL201921342662.1,一種用于制備石墨烯的立式爐

10. 彭海琳,楊皓,鄧兵,鄭黎明,ZL201811618825.4,控制晶面暴露取向的單晶銅箔的制備方法

11. 彭海琳,王雅妮,鄧兵,劉忠範,ZL201910618248.7,多層石墨烯及其制備方法

12. 彭海琳,鄭黎明,鄧兵,王雅妮,ZL201910237780.4,一種制備Janus結構的懸空石墨烯支撐膜的方法

13. 彭海琳,劉忠範,鄧兵,唐際琳CN201810253431.7,石墨烯單晶薄膜及其制備方法

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17. 鄧兵CN2024115040791,選擇性回收金屬的方法及裝置


1. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, US Patent App. 63/082.592, 2020-09-24

2. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, US Patent App. 63/144.862, 2021-03-05

3. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, Satish Nagarajaiah, Wei Meng, “Removal of Heavy Metals from Waste and Uses Thereof”, US Patent App. 63/328.630, 2022-04-07

4. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, Carter Kittrell, “Metal Recovery and separation systems and methods”, US Patent App. 63/415.384, 2022-10-12

5. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Methods and systems for the recovery and reuse of conductive additives for flash Joule heating”, US Patent App. 63/420.282, 2022-10-28

6. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, US Patent App. 18/246.451, 2023-03-23

7. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, US Patent App. 18/246.460, 2023-03-23

8. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Synthesis of metallic glass nanoparticles by flash carbothermic reactions and compositions thereof”, US Patent App. 63/506.410, 2023-06-06

9. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, US Patent App. 18/263.831, 2023-08-01

10. James M. Tour, Yi Cheng, Jinhang Chen, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, US Patent App. 63/585.465, 2023-09-26

11. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, Yi Cheng, “Methods for remediation of PFAS-contaminated soil by rapid electrothermal mineralization”, US Patent App. 63/589.489, 2023-10-11

12. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Synthesis of metallic glass nanoparticles by flash carbothermic reactions and compositions thereof”, US Patent App. 18/735.513, 2024-06-06

13. Hailin Peng, Liming Zheng, Bing Deng, “Method for manufacturing suspended graphene support film by selectively etching growth substrate”, PCT/CN2019/110916, 2019-10-14

14. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, PCT/US2021/052030, 2021-09-24

15. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods for the preparation of corundum nanoparticles and systems for performing same”, PCT/US2021/052057, 2021-09-24

16. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, PCT/US2021/052043, 2021-09-24

17. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, PCT/US2021/052070, 2021-09-24

18. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, PCT/US2022/014923, 2022-02-02

19. James M. Tour, Satish Nagarajaiah, Bing Deng, Wei Meng, “Heavy-metal-reduced-post-industrial waste in cementitious materials and methods of making and using thereof”, PCT/US2023/065506, 2023-04-07

20. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, Wilbur Carter Kittrell, Shichen Xu, Yi Cheng, “Electrothermal chlorination and carbochlorination systems and methods for selective metal recovery”, PCT/US2023/076707

21. James M. Tour, Bing Deng, “Methods and systems for the recovery and reuse of conductive additives for flash Joule heating”, PCT/US2023/078213, 2023-10-30

22. James M. Tour, Yi Cheng, Jinhang Chen, Bing Deng, Phelecia Scotland, “Ultrafast flash Joule heating synthesis methods and systems for performing same”, PCT/US2024/48588, 2024-09-26

23. James M. Tour, Yi Cheng, Bing Deng, Lucas John Eddy, “Methods for remediation of PFAS-contaminated soil by rapid electrothermal mineralization”, PCT/US2024/50478, 2024-10-09

24. Hailin Peng, Liming Zheng, Bing Deng, “Method for manufacturing suspended graphene support film by selectively etching growth substrate”, US 11,760,641, 2023-09-19
