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2000.09-2005.07 bevictor伟德官网環境科學與工程系,工學碩士、博士

1995.09-2000.07 bevictor伟德官网環境科學與工程系,工學學士


任  職

2023.12至今     bevictor伟德官网,長聘教授

2019.02-2023.12  bevictor伟德官网,長聘副教授

2016.01—2019.02 bevictor伟德官网,準聘副教授

2010.12—2016.01 bevictor伟德官网,副研究員

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2007.07—2010.12 bevictor伟德官网環境科學與工程系,助理研究員

2005.07-2007.07 bevictor伟德官网環境科學與工程系,博士後




研究生《Fundamentals of Environmental Biotechnology》(2022年bevictor伟德官网精品課程)











2017年4月至今,ISO TC142 WG13工作組召集人





2018年1月至今,期刊《Int J Environ Res Public Health》編委





  1. 典型工業園區非點源廢氣高效綠色安全治理技術研發,國家重點研發計劃課題,2022.10-2025.09

  2. 超大型車間氣流模拟與非點源氣态有機物收集方式優化,企業委托課題,2022.07- 2023.07

  3. 氣相微生物懸浮生長體系構建與特性研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,2021.01 -2024.12

  4. 場地土壤惡臭污染風險評估方法與基準,國家重點研發計劃子課題,2018.12-2022.11

  5. 城市水體感官愉悅度與生态健康評價技術,國家“十三五”水專項子課題,2017.01-2020.06

  6. 投加低濃度臭氧控制VOCs生物過濾系統生物量的機理及控制方法研究,自然科學基金面上項目,2014.01-2017.12

  7. 城鎮污水廠除臭技術系統研究與示範,國家“十二五”水專項子課題,2010.01—2015.12

  8. 城市污水處理廠典型惡臭物質産生與排放規律研究,國家重點實驗室課題,2011.06—2013.06

  9. 用于高溫氣态污染物降解的嗜熱菌篩選及特性研究,國家重點實驗室課題,2009.06—2011.06

  10. 水體水質淨化與保持技術與示範研究,國家“十一五”水專項課題,2008.09—2010.12

  11. 石化典型行業有毒有害揮發性有機物排放特征及控制技術途徑研究,環保公益性科研專項,2008.06—2011.07

  12. 難生物降解揮發性有機物的紫外-生物聯合處理技術研究,自然科學基金課題,2008.01—2010.12


  1. 2022.11  bevictor伟德官网“清韻燭光”和“良師益友”優秀教師提名

  2. 2021.12  bevictor伟德官网就業工作先進個人

  3. 2021.03  教育部科學技術進步獎一等獎

  4. 2018.08  2018年上海市科技進步獎二等獎

  5. 2018.04  2017年北京市高等教育教學成果獎一等獎

  6. 2017.12  環境保護科學技術獎一等獎

  7. 2014.02  第一批“國家環境保護專業技術青年拔尖人才”

  8. 2010.12  建設部“華夏建設科學技術獎”一等獎

  9. 2010.12  中國環境科學學會第七屆“青年科技獎”

  10. 2009.12  bevictor伟德官网環境系2009年度教學工作先進個人



  1. 席勁瑛,王燦,武俊良. 工業源揮發性有機物(VOCs)排放特征與控制技術. 北京:中國環境出版社, 2014年12月

  2. 王燦,席勁瑛,胡洪營.工業有機廢氣紫外-生物聯合處理技術研究與工程實踐. 北京:化學工業出版社,2014年5月

  3. 胡洪營,張旭,黃霞,王偉,席勁瑛. 環境工程原理(第三版). 北京:高等教育出版社,2015年8月(十二五普通高等教育本科國家級規劃教材)

  4. 胡洪營,張旭,黃霞,王偉,席勁瑛. 環境工程原理(第四版). 北京:高等教育出版社,2022年10月


  1. Zhuqiu Sun, Jinying Xi*, Chunping Yang, Wenjie Cong. Quorum sensing regulation methods and their effects on biofilm in biological waste treatment systems: A review, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2022, 16(7): 87-99

  2. Lichao Lu, Dong Dong, Marvin Yeung, Zhuqiu Sun, Jinying Xi*. Sustaining low pressure drop and homogeneous flow by adopting a fluidized bed biofilter treating gaseous toluene, Chemosphere, 291(3): 132951

  3. Zhuqiu Sun, Jinying Xi*, Marvin Yeung, Lichao Lu. Two quorum sensing enhancement methods optimized the biofilm of biofilters treating gaseous chlorobenzene [J]. Science of Total Environment, 2022, 807(1): 150589

  4. Zhuqiu Sun, Bairen Yang, Marvin Yeung, Jinying Xi*. Quorum sensing improved the low-temperature performance of biofilters treating gaseous toluene, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 437: 129277

  5. 孫佳薇,張焱鑫,席勁瑛. 基于靜态箱的污染土壤釋放揮發性有機物特性研究,環境科學學報,2022, 42(11): 286-292

  6. Marvin Yeung, Prakit Saingam, Yang Xu, Jinying Xi. Low-dosage ozonation in gas-phase biofilter promotes community diversity and robustness. Microbiome, 2021, 9(1): 14-23

  7. Zhuqiu Sun, Cheng Ding, Jinying Xi, Lichao Lu, Bairen Yang. Enhancing biofilm formation in biofilters for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene removal by modifying the packing material surface, Bioresource Technology, 2020, 296: 122335-122341

  8. Lichao Lu, Guangchun Wang, Marvin Yeung, Jinying Xi, Hong-Ying Hu. Shift of microbial community in gas-phase biofilters with different inocula, inlet loads and nitrogen sources, Process Biochemistry, 2020, 91: 57–64

  9. Lichao Lu, Dong Dong, Zenab Tariq Baig, Marvin Yeung, Jinying Xi. Development of a novel fungal fluidized bed reactor for gaseous ethanol removal, Chemosphere, 2020, 244: 125529-125535

  10. Guangliang Tian, Jinying Xi, Marvin Yeung, Gufeng Ren. Characteristics and mechanisms of H2S production in anaerobic digestion of food waste, Science of the Total Environment, 2020,724:137977

  11. Zhuqiu Sun, Bowen Pang, Jinying Xi, Hong-Ying Hu. Screening and characterization of mixotrophic sulfide oxidizing bacteria for odorous surface water bioremediation, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 290: 121721-121727

  12. Hairong Wang, Boya Fu, Jinying Xi*, Hong-Ying Hu, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Xiaoyuan Zhang*. Remediation of simulated malodorous surface water by columnar air-cathode microbial fuel cells, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 687: 287-296

  13. Prakit Saingam, Zenab Baig, Yang Xu, Jinying Xi. Effect of ozone injection on the long-term performance and microbial community structure of a VOCs biofilter, Journal of Environmental Science, 2018, 69: 133-140

  14. In-Sun Kang, Jinying Xi, Hong-Ying Hu. Photolysis and photooxidation of typical gaseous VOCs by UV Irradiation: Removal performance and mechanisms, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2018, 12(3): 8

  15. Zenab Tariq Baig, Lu Meng, Prakit Saingam and Jinying Xi. Ozonation and depolymerization of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from a biofilter treating gaseous toluene, Polymers, 2018, 10(7): 763-773

  16. Zhuqiu Sun, In-Sun Kang, Qianyuan Wu, Jinying Xi, and Hongying Hu. Biotoxicity of water-soluble UV photodegradation products for 10 typical gaseous VOCs, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2018, 15(7), 1520-1529

  17. Jinying Xi, Feng Zhang, Yun Lu,Hong-Ying Hu. A novel model simulating reclaimed water disinfection by ozonation. Separation & Purification Technology, 2017, 179: 45-52

  18. 王廣春, 席勁瑛, 胡洪營. 不同填料甲苯生物濾塔中微生物群落結構與代謝功能解析,環境科學學報, 2017,37(10):3936-3942

  19. Bowen Pang, Chenghong Jiang, Marvin Yeung, Yun Ouyang, Jinying Xi. Removal of dissolved sulfides in aqueous solution by activated sludge: mechanism and characteristics. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 324(Pt B):732-738

  20. Yang Xu, Prakit Saingam, Feng Gu, Jinying Xi, Hong-Ying Hu. The effect of injected ozone on the microbial metabolic characteristics in biofilters treating gaseous toluene. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 94, 174-181

  21. Prakit Saingam, Jinying Xi, Yang Xu, and Hong-Ying Hu. Investigation of the characteristics of biofilms grown in gas-phase biofilters with and without ozone injection by CLSM technique, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100(4): 2023–2031

  22. Lu Meng, Jinying Xi, Marvin Yeung. Degradation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from activated sludge by low-concentration ozonation, Chemosphere, 2016, 147: 248-255

  23. Jinying Xi, Insun Kang, Hong-Ying Hu, Xian Zhang. A biofilter model for simultaneous simulation of toluene removal and filter bed pressure drop under varied inlet loadings, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2015, 9(3): 554-562

  24. 席勁瑛,武俊良,胡洪營,姜仁善. 不同行業點源産生VOCs氣體的特征分析,環境科學研究,2014, 27(2): 134-138

  25. Jinying Xi, Prakit Saingam, Feng Gu, Hong-Ying Hu, Xuefei Zhao. Effect of continuous ozone injection on performance and biomass accumulation of biofilters treating gaseous toluene, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 98(22): 9437-9446

  26. 王智超,席勁瑛,歐陽雲,胡洪營. 城市污水廠H2S排放濃度與水質和泥質指标的相關性. 環境科學研究, 2013, 26(9):989-994

  27. 席勁瑛,武俊良,胡洪營,王燦. 工業揮發性有機物氣體處理技術應用狀況調查分析,中國環境科學,2012年, 32(11): 1309-1313

  28. 席勁瑛,胡洪營,羅彬,劉翌. 不同填料生物濾塔淨化城市污水廠惡臭氣體研究. 中國給水排水,2010,26(3):1-3

  29. 席勁瑛,武俊良,胡洪營,王燦. 工業VOCs排放源廢氣排放特征調查與分析. 中國環境科學,2010, 30(11): 1558-1562

  30. Can Wang, Jin-Ying Xi, Hong-Ying Hu, Yuan Yao. Stimulative Effects of Ozone on a Biofilter Treating Gaseous Chlorobenzene. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43(24): 9407–9412

  31. Wang Can, Xi Jin-ying, Hu Hong-ying, Yao Yuan. Effects of UV pretreatment on microbial community structure and metabolic characteristics in a subsequent biofilter treating gaseous chlorobenzene. Bioresource Technology. 2009, 100(23), 5581-5587

  32. Wang Can, Xi Jin-ying, Hu Hong-ying, Yao Yuan. Advantages of combined UV photodegradation and biofiltration processes to treat gaseous chlorobenzene. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 171(1-3): 1120-1125


  1. 一種利用氣相懸浮微生物處理廢氣的方法及其應用,發明專利,ZL202010244299.0

  2. 一種用于VOCs和惡臭氣體處理的内循環生物流化床系統,發明專利,ZL201710036398.8

  3. 一種利用KI-KIO3測定紫外線水消毒劑量的等效方法,發明專利,ZL201510512761.X

  4. 一種基于微平闆培養的污染物高效降解菌篩選方法,發明專利,ZL201310129713.3

  5. 一種利用臭氧優化VOC氣體生物過濾裝置長期運行性能的方法,發明專利,ZL201010272732.8

  6. 一種控制有機及惡臭氣體的生物過濾組合填料,發明專利,ZL2007101778123

  7. 一種控制氣固相生物反應器尾氣有毒生物氣溶膠的方法,發明專利,ZL200810116517.1

  8. 一種移動式H2S在線監測設備,實用新型專利,ZL201520569269.1

  9. 快速組裝式便攜型廢氣生物過濾塔,實用新型專利,ZL201820687878.0


1. 城市黑臭水體整治工作指南(建城[2015]130号)

2. 城鎮污水處理廠臭氣處理技術規程(CJJ/T243-2016)

3. Method of evaluating the UV dose to airborne microorganisms transiting in duct ultraviolet germicidal irradiation devices(ISO 15714)

4. 工業有機廢氣淨化裝置性能測定方法(GB/T 40200-2021)

5. 城市水體感官質量評價導則(T/CECS 998-2022)

6. 工業企業揮發性有機物治理效果綜合評價指南,中華環保聯合會

