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首頁 > 師資隊伍 > 教師 > 環境生物學教研所 > 正文







2005.9-2009.7    華東理工大學環境科學與工程系  工學學士

2009.9-2014.7    bevictor伟德官网  工學博士


2014.7-2015.10   bevictor伟德官网  博士後

2015.11-2018.1   牛津大學工程科學系  博士後

2018.3-          bevictor伟德官网  副研究員


(1)國際标準化組織水回用技術委員會(ISO/TC282 Water Reuse)城鎮水回用分技術委員會工作組召集人

(2)SCI期刊《Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination》(現改名為《Water Reuse》)副主編(Associate Editor-in-chief)





  1. 适應太原市可持續發展的水資源優化配置關鍵技術(2019YFC 0408601),國家重點研發計劃項目課題,負責人,380萬,結題

  2. 再生水景觀環境利用優控污染物識别方法與檢測技術(2018YFC 0406301),國家重點研發計劃項目課題,子課題負責人,243萬,結題

  3. 消毒對再生水處理反滲透膜生物污堵的影響機制及控制研究(52000114),國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,負責人,24萬,在研

  4. 環境工程學科内涵與發展戰略研究(52242005),國家自然科學基金委專項項目,負責人,30萬,在研

  5. 城鎮污水處理廠尾水回用風險管控方案研究(2022-YRUC-01-0405-05),黃河流域生态保護和高質量發展聯合研究項目課題,負責人,31.5萬,在研

  6. 半導體和面闆制程廢水再生處理工藝研究,企事業單位技術研發項目,負責人,60萬,在研

  7. 節能環保型濁環水處理及微藻固碳資源化耦合技術,企事業單位技術研發項目,負責人,157萬,在研

  8. 污水再生處理系統評價和管理研究,企事業單位技術研發項目,負責人,40萬,在研

  9. 全國博士後國際交流計劃派出項目(20150017),全國博士後管理辦基金(全國每年僅100名),2015.11-2017.12,30萬,主持。

  10. 再生水的生物風險産生機制與調控原理(51738005),國家自然科學基金委重點項目,2018.1-2022.12,300萬,主要參與。

  11. 紫外線/氯高級氧化處理城市污水再生系統反滲透濃水的研究(51578308),國家自然科學基金委面上項目,2016.1-2019.12,75萬,主要參與。

  12. 再生水生态儲存的水質變化機制與調控原理(51138006),國家自然科學基金委重點項目,2012.1-2016.12,290萬,主要參與。

  13. 人類活動對湖泊生态與水質安全的影響及新型控制技術(2010DFA92090),教育部國際合作項目,2010.1-2012.12,40萬,主要參與



(1) 2022年,Ultimate-disinfection technology with low toxic by-products for large-scale wastewater treatment,日内瓦國際發明特别展銀獎,排名第3

(2) 2021年,國際标準化組織卓越貢獻獎(ISO Excellence Award)(個人獎,每年全國獲獎人數小于8人)

(3) 2019年,日本水環境協會國際交流獎(JSWE IDEA Water Environment International Exchange Award)(個人獎)


(1) 2022年,再生水處理高效能反滲透膜制備與工藝綠色化關鍵技術,環境保護科學技術一等獎(具有國家獎推薦資格),排名第2

(2) 2020年,污廢水強化增效處理與工業循環利用關鍵技術及應用,中國循環經濟協會科學技術一等獎(具有國家獎推薦資格),排名第11

(3) 2019年,城鎮再生水生态紐聯循環利用技術及應用,華夏建設科學技術一等獎(具有國家獎推薦資格),排名第9

(4) 2014年,bevictor伟德官网“學術新秀”


主要研究方向為再生水高标準處理與新興産業利用。主持國家青年科技人才項目、國家自然科學基金面上項目、國家重點研發計劃項目課題、黃河流域生态保護和高質量發展聯合研究項目課題等國家級、省部級項目;以第一/通訊作者發表SCI論文60餘篇(JCR1區論文50餘篇),授權發明專利10餘項;主持編制首個再生水反滲透處理工藝設計ISO國際标準(ISO 23070),獲ISO卓越貢獻獎(ISO Excellence Award)(個人獎)、環境保護科學技術一等獎(第2)、日内瓦國際發明特别展銀獎(第3)等。



  1. Wang Hao-Bin, Wu Yin-Hu*, Sun Yi-Ge, Chen Zhuo, Xu Yu-Qing, Nozomu Ikuno, Kazuki Ishii, Hu Hong-Ying. Ozone-resistant bacteria (ORB), an inconvenient hazard in water reclamation: resistance mechanism, propagating capacity, and potential risks, Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58, 17908-17915.

  2. Wang Hao-Bin, Wu Yin-Hu*, Sun Yi-Ge, Xu Yu-Qing, Chen Zhuo, Xue Song, Zhang Zhuo-Wei, Nozomu Ikuno, Nakata Koji, Hu Hong-Ying. Flow-through electrode system (FES): an effective approach for biofouling control of reverse osmosis membranes for municipal wastewater reclamation, Water Research, 2024, 249: 120890.

  3. Xu, Yuqin; Wu, Yinhu*; Luo, Liwei; Huang, Banghao; Chen, Zhuo; Wang, Haobin; Liu, Han; Nozomu, Ikuno; Nakata, Koji; Hu, Hongying; Inactivation of chlorine-resistant bacteria (CRB) via various disinfection methods: Resistance mechanism and relation with carbon source metabolism, Water Research, 2023, 244, 120531.

  4. Tong, Xin; Zhang, Ziwei; Wu, Yinhu*, Bai, Yuan; Nozomu, Ikuno; Ishii, Kazuki; Hu, Hongying; Ultrafiltration significantly increased the scaling potential of municipal secondary effluent on reverse osmosis membranes, Water Research, 2022, 220: 118672.

  5. Luo, Liwei; Wu, Yinhu*; Chen, Genqiang; Wang, Haobin; Wang, Yunhong; Tong, Xin; Bai, Yuan; Xu, Yuqing; Zhang, Ziwei; Ikuno, Nozomu; Hu, Hongying; Chlorine-resistant bacteria (CRB) in the reverse osmosis system for wastewater reclamation: Isolation, identification and membrane fouling mechanisms, Water Research, 2022, 209: 117966.

  6. Wu, Yinhu; Chen, Zhuo*; Li, Xu; Wang, Yunhong; Liu, Bo; Chen, Genqiang*; Luo, Liwei; Wang, Haobin; Tong, Xin; Bai, Yuan; Xu, Yuqing; Nozomu, Ikuno; Li, Caifeng; Zhang, Hongyu; Hu, Hongying; Effect of ultraviolet disinfection on the fouling of reverse osmosis membranes for municipal wastewater reclamation, Water Research, 2021, 195: 116995.  

  7. Wang, Haobin; Wu, Yinhu*; Luo, Liwei; Yu, Tong; Xu, Ao; Xue, Song; Chen, Genqiang; Ni, Xinye; Peng, Lu; Chen, Zhuo; Wang, Yunhong; Tong, Xin; Bai, Yuan; Xu, Yuqing; Hu, Hongying*; Risks, characteristics, and control strategies of disinfection-residual-bacteria (DRB) from the perspective of microbial community structure, Water Research, 2021, 204: 117606.

  8. Luo, Liwei; Wu, Yinhu*; Yu, Tong; Wang, Yunhong; Chen, Genqiang; Tong, Xin; Bai, Yuan; Xu, Chuang; Wang, Haobin; Ikuno, Nozomu; Hu,Hongying; Evaluating method and potential risks of chlorine-resistant bacteria (CRB): A review, Water Research, 2021, 188: 116474.

  9. Bai, Yuan; Wu, Yinhu*; Wang, Yunhong; Tong, Xin; Zhao, Xuehao; Nozomu, Ikuno; Hu, Hongying*; Membrane fouling potential of the denitrification filter effluent and the control mechanism by ozonation in the process of wastewater reclamation, Water Research, 2020, 173: 115591.    

  10. Liu, Hai; Ni, Xin Ye; Huo, Zheng Yang; Peng, Lu; Li, Guo Qiang; Wang, Chun; Wu, Yin Hu*; Hu, Hong Ying*; Carbon Fiber-Based Flow-Through Electrode System (FES) for Water Disinfection via Direct Oxidation Mechanism with a Sequential Reduction-Oxidation Process, Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(6): 3238-3249.


1. Luo, Liwei; Wu, Yinhu*; Yu, Tong; Wang, Yunhong; Chen, Genqiang; Tong, Xin; Bai, Yuan; Xu, Chuang; Wang, Haobin; Ikuno, Nozomu; Hu, Hongying; Evaluating method and potential risks of chlorine-resistant bacteria (CRB): A review, Water Research, 2021, 188: 116474.(期刊論文)

2. Liu, Hai; Tian, Guipeng; Wang, Wenyi; Zhang, Jianchunxiu; Wu, Tianshu; Ni, Xinye; Wu, Yinhu*; Carbon fiber-based flow-through electrode system (FES) for Cr(VI) removal at near neutral pHs via Cr(VI) reduction and in-situ adsorption of Cr(III) precipitates, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, In press: 127622.(期刊論文)

3. Ni, Xinye; Wu, Yinhu*; Liu, Hai; Zhang, Xiaojing; Xu, Zibin; Peng, Lu; Wang, Wenlong; Wang, Haobin; Chen, Zhuo; Hu, Hongying; Enhancing disinfection performance of the carbon fiber-based flow-through electrode system (FES) by alternating pulse current (APC) with low-frequency square wave, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 410: 128399.(期刊論文)

4. Chen, Genqiang; Wu, Yinhu*; Wang, Yunhong; Chen, Zhuo; Tong, Xin; Bai, Yuan; Luo, Liwei; Xu, Chuang; Hu, Hongying; Effects of microbial inactivation approaches on quantity and properties of extracellular polymeric substances in the process of wastewater treatment and reclamation: A review , Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, In press: 11111.(期刊論文)

5. 徐傲; 巫寅虎*; 陳卓; 崔琦; 白宇; 李魁曉; 時玉龍; 高強; 胡洪營; 北京市城鎮污水再生利用現狀與潛力分析, 環境工程, 2021, In press.(期刊論文)

6. Tong, Xin; Wu, Yinhu*; Bai, Yuan; Zhao, Xuehao; Luo, Liwei; Mao, Yu; Ikuno, Nozomu; Hu, Hongying*; Simulating and predicting the flux change of reverse osmosis membranes over time during wastewater reclamation caused by organic fouling, Environment International, 2020, 140: 105744.(期刊論文)

7. Ni, Xinye; Liu, hai; Wang, chun; Wang, Wenlong; Xu, Zibin; Chen, zhuo; Wu, Yinhu*; Hu, Hongying*; Comparison of carbonized and graphitized carbon fiber electrodes under flow-through electrode system (FES) for high-efficiency bacterial inactivation, Water Research, 2020, 168: 115150.(期刊論文)

8. Huo, Zhengyang; Du, Ye; Chen, Zhuo; Wu, YinHu*; Hu, Hongying; Evaluation and prospects of nanomaterial-enabled innovative processes and devices for water disinfection: A state-of-the-art review, Water Research, 2020, 173: 115581.(期刊論文)

9. Liu, Hai; Wu, Yinhu*; Ni, Xinye; Chen, Zhuo; Peng, Lu; Huo, Zhengyang; Wang, Qi; Hu, Hongying; Construction and optimization mechanisms of carbon fiber-based flow-through electrode system (FES) with stackable multi-cathode units for water disinfection, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 399: 123065.(期刊論文)

10. Tong, Xin; Yong Cui; Wang, Yunhong; Bai, Yuan; Yu, tong; Zhao, Xuehao; Ikuno, Nozomu; Luo, Huijia; Hu, Hongying; Wu, YinHu*; Fouling properties of reverse osmosis membranes along the feed channel in an industrial-scale system for wastewater reclamation, Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 713: 136673.(期刊論文)

11. Xu, Ao#; Wu, Yinhu#*; Chen, Zhuo; Wu, Guangxue; Wu, Qianyuan; Ling, Fangqiong; Huang, Weie; Hu, Hongying; Towards the new era of wastewater treatment of China: Development history, current status, and future directions, Water Cycle, 2020, 1: 80-87.(期刊論文)

12. 巫寅虎; 王琦; 童心; 羅立炜; 趙雪皓; 王運宏; 白苑; 張國亮; 金焱; 梁思懿; 胡洪營*; 污水再生處理反滲透系統進水膜污堵潛勢評價方法及指标體系, 環境工程, 2020, 38(3): 51.(期刊論文)

13. 劉博; 王運宏; 巫寅虎*; 胡洪營*; 紫外線消毒對再生水中微生物生長分泌特性的影響, 環境工程, 2020, 38(2): 28-34.(期刊論文)

14. Liu, Hai; Ni, Xin Ye; Huo, Zheng Yang; Peng, Lu; Li, Guo Qiang; Wang, Chun; Wu, Yin Hu*; Hu, Hong Ying*; Carbon Fiber-Based Flow-Through Electrode System (FES) for Water Disinfection via Direct Oxidation Mechanism with a Sequential Reduction-Oxidation Process, Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(6): 3238-3249. (期刊論文)

15. Wang, YunHong; Wu, YinHu*; Du, Ye; Li, Qing; Cong, Yi; Huo, ZhengYang; Chen, Zhuo; Yang, HongWei; Liu, ShuMing; Hu, HongYing*; Quantifying chlorine-reactive substances to establish a chlorine decay model of reclaimed water using chemical chlorine demands, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 356: 791-798.(期刊論文)

16. Zhao, Xuehao; Wu, Yinhu*; Zhang, Xue; Tong, Xin; Yu, Tong; Wang, Yunhong; Ikuno, Nozomu; Ishii, Kazuki; Hu, Hongying*; Ozonation as an efficient pretreatment method to alleviate reverse osmosis membrane fouling caused by complexes of humic acid and calcium ion, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2019, 13(4): 89-100.(期刊論文)

17. Wu, Yinhu; Yu, Yin; Hu, Hongying*; The "Fingerprint" of a freshwater microalga Scenedesmus sp. LX1: Visualizing the composition of its soluble algal products, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2019, 30(5): 1126-1128.(期刊論文)

18. Bai, Yuan; Huo, ZhengYang; Wu, YinHu*; Hu, HongYing*; Efficient nanowire-assisted electroporation and cellular inclusion release of microalgal cells achieved by a low voltage, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 667: 191-196. (期刊論文)

19. Wang, YunHong; Wu, YinHu*; Yu, Tong; Zhao, XueHao; Tong, Xin; Bai, Yuan; Huo, ZhengYang; Hu, HongYing*; Effects of chlorine disinfection on the membrane fouling potential of bacterial strains isolated from fouled reverse osmosis membranes, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 693: 0-UNSP 133579.(期刊論文)

20. Chen, Jack Xiaoyu#; Steel, Harrison#; Wu, YinHu#; Wang, Yun; Xu, Jiabao; Rampley, Cordelia P N; Thompson, Ian P; Papachristodoulou, Antonis; Huang, Wei E*; Development of Aspirin-Inducible Biosensors in Escherichia coli and SimCells, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2019, 85(6): UNSP e02959-18.(期刊論文)

21. Fan, Catherine#; Wu, YinHu#; Decker, Christoph M; Rohani, Reza; Salazar, Manuela Gesell; Ye, Hua; Cui, Zhanfeng; Schmidt, Frank; Huang, Wei E*; Defensive Function of Transposable Elements in Bacteria, ACS Synthetic Biology, 2019, 8(9): 2141-2151.(期刊論文)

22. 羅立炜; 羅輝甲; 崔勇; 王運宏; 童心; 巫寅虎*; 胡洪營*; 甲基異噻唑琳酮對MBR出水微生物生長分泌特性及群落結構的影響, 環境科學學報, 2019, 39(8): 2467-2474.(期刊論文)

23. Yu, Tong; Sun, Hao; Chen, Zhuo; Wang, Yunhong; Huo, Zhengyang; Ikuno, Nozomu; Ishii, Kazuki; Jin, Yan; Hu, Hongying; Wu, YinHu*; Lu, Yun*; Different bacterial species and their extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) significantly affected reverse osmosis (RO) membrane fouling potentials in wastewater reclamation, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 644: 486-493.(期刊論文)

24. Wu, Yinhu#; Shen, Licheng#; Hu, Hongying; Nick, P. Hankins*; Huang, Wei E.*; An efficient microalgal biomass harvesting method with a high concentration ratio using the polymer-surfactant aggregates process, Algal Research, 2018, 30: 86-93.(期刊論文)

25. Wu, YinHu; Zhu, Shufeng; Yu, Yin; Shi, Xiaojie; Wu, Guangxue*; Hu, Hongying*; Mixed cultivation as an effective approach to enhance microalgal biomass and triacylglycerol production in domestic secondary effluent, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 328: 665-672.(期刊論文)

26. Wu, Yinhu; Yu, Yin; Hu, Hongying*; Zhuang, Linlan; Effects of cultivation conditions on the production of soluble algal products (SAPs) of Scenedesmus sp LX1, Algal Research, 2016, 16: 376-382.(期刊論文)

27. Wu, Yinhu; Yu, Yin; Hu, Hongying*; Microalgal growth with intracellular phosphorus for achieving high biomass growth rate and high lipid/triacylglycerol content simultaneously, Bioresource Technology, 2015, 192: 374-381.(期刊論文)

28. Wu, Yinhu; Hu, Hongying*; Yu, Yin; Zhang, Tianyuan; Zhu, Shufeng; Zhuang, Linlan; Zhang, Xue; Lu, Yun; Microalgal species for sustainable biomass/lipid production using wastewater as resource: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 33: 675-688.(期刊論文)

29. Wu, Yinhu; Yu, Yin; Hu, Hongying*; Effects of Initial Phosphorus Concentration and Light Intensity on Biomass Yield per Phosphorus and Lipid Accumulation of Scenedesmus sp LX1, Bioenergy Research, 2014, 7(3): 927-934.(期刊論文)

30. Wu, Yinhu; Yu, Yin; Hu, Hongying*; Potential biomass yield per phosphorus and lipid accumulation property of seven microalgal species, Bioresource Technology, 2013, 130: 599-602.(期刊論文)

31. Wu, Yinhu; Li, Xin; Yu, Yin; Hu, Hongying*; Zhang, Tianyuan; Li, Fengmin; An integrated microalgal growth model and its application to optimize the biomass production of Scenedesmus sp LX1 in open pond under the nutrient level of domestic secondary effluent, Bioresource Technology, 2013, 144: 445-451.(期刊論文)

32. Wu, YinHu; Yu, Yin; Li, Xin; Hu, HongYing*; Su, Zhenfeng; Biomass production of a Scenedesmus sp under phosphorous-starvation cultivation condition, Bioresource Technology, 2012, 112: 193-198.(期刊論文)


1. 巫寅虎(9/15); 城鎮再生水生态紐聯循環利用技術及應用, 華夏建設科學技術獎勵委員會, 科技進步, 省部一等獎, 2020(胡洪營; 曾思育; 龔道孝; 張建; 李鋒民; 吳光學; 王冠平; 郭玉梅; 巫寅虎; 陳卓; 董欣; 吳乾元; 李志超; 石偉; 王躍昌).(科研獎勵)

2. 巫寅虎(11/15); 污廢水強化增效處理與工業循環利用關鍵技術及應用, 中國循環經濟協會, 科技進步, 省部一等獎, 2020(胡洪營; 孫迎雪; 吳光學; 陳卓; 杜烨; 張鶴清; 梁思懿; 郭玉梅; 王冠平; 時孝磊; 巫寅虎; 吳乾元; 王文龍; 倪明亮; 郭昉). (科研獎勵)

3. Yin-Hu Wu(1/1); JSWE-IDEA Water Environment International Exchange Award, Japan Society on Water Environment, 其他, 國際學術獎, 2019(Yin-Hu Wu).(科研獎勵)

4. 巫寅虎; 胡洪營; 莊林岚; 基于聚合物-表面活性劑二元微納米結構的藻類濃縮收獲方法, 2020-8-21, 中國, ZL201710368499.5.(專利)

5. 巫寅虎; 胡洪營; 趙雪皓; 王運宏; 童心; 白苑; 一種反滲透平膜裝置, 2019-7-16, 中國, ZL201821729914.1.(專利)

6. 巫寅虎; 胡洪營; 霍正洋; 劉海; 倪欣業; 一種高通量消毒裝置, 2019-9-24, 中國, ZL201822159622.5.(專利)

7. 巫寅虎; 胡洪營; 白苑; 一種評價水樣超濾膜污堵潛勢的裝置, 2021-2-19, 中國, ZL202020969030.4.(專利)
