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1995.09-1999.07  bevictor伟德官网生物科學與技術系 理學學士

1999.09-2005.01  bevictor伟德官网生物科學與技術系 生物學博士

2005.04-2009.07  美國杜克大學細胞生物學系 博士後(research associate)

2009.12-2016.12  bevictor伟德官网 副教授

2017.01-2021.12  bevictor伟德官网 特别研究員

2022.01至今     bevictor伟德官网 長聘副教授



1. 2021年,《水處理生物學》第七版獲得北京高校“優質本科教材課件”重點項目。

2. 2021年,“環境工程微生物學”課程獲得bevictor伟德官网精品課程。

3. 2018年,獲國家級教學成果獎二等獎,“多層次構建全球環境人才培養體系,全方位提升學生國際勝任力”,第9獲獎人。

4. 2017年,獲北京市高等教育教學成果獎一等獎,“多層次構建全球環境人才培養體系,全方位提升學生國際勝任力”,第9獲獎人。

5. 2017年,JSWE-IDEA Water Environment International Exchange Award.

6. 2016年,《水處理生物學》第五版獲得bevictor伟德官网優秀教材特等獎。

7. 2016年,獲中國環境科學學會第十一屆“優秀環境科技工作者獎”。

8. 2015年,獲寶鋼優秀教師獎。

9. 2014年,獲中國環境保護部“國家環境保護專業技術青年拔尖人才”稱号。

10. 2010年,獲中國環境科學學會第七屆“青年科技獎”。

11. 2003年,獲教育部科學技術一等獎,第三完成人。




1. 日本松下電氣設備(中國)有限公司國際合作項目,《松下ZIAINO空間除菌消臭機的安全性檢測》,2022.2.17-2023.2.17,負責人,50萬。

2. 環境模拟與污染控制國家重點聯合實驗室聯合基金項目,《微生物氣溶膠電極内過濾-紫外聯合消毒技術》,No. 21L02ESPC,2021.5-2023.5,主要參與人,負責20/87.5萬。

3. 國家自然科學基金重大疫情的環境安全與次生風險防控重大項目,課題一《環境介質中的病毒識别與傳播規律》,No. 52091541,2021.1-2025.12,主要參與人,負責部分50/400萬。

4. 國家重點研發計劃項目《再生水景觀環境利用水質基準與風險控制技術》No. 2018YFC0406300, 3821萬,聯系人,課題《基于風險控制的水質基準與水質控制目标确定方法》No.2018YFC0406302,2018.7.1-2021.6.30,333萬,負責人.

5. 國家自然科學重點基金項目《再生水的生物風險産生機制與控制原理》,No.51738005,2018.1-2022.12,300萬,參與部分50萬。

6. 國家科技重大專項項目《北京城市副中心高品質水生态建設綜合示範》下課題《基于再生水的“高标準、高品質”水景觀構建與水生态維系技術研究和工程示範》,No. 2017ZX07103-004,2017.1-2020.6,主要參與人,負責部分137.28萬。

7. 國家自然科學基金面上項目《城市雜用再生水吸入暴露風險因子研究》,No. 21777084,2018.1-2021.12,65萬,項目負責人。

8. 國家重點研發計劃項目,政府間國際科技創新合作重點專項《再生水安全供水系統與關鍵技術》,No. 2016YFE0118800,2016.12-2019.12,1675萬,主要參與人,負責部分110萬。

9. 國家重點研發計劃項目《京津冀水資源安全保障技術研發集成與示範應用》下課題《京津冀非常規水安全利用技術研發示範》,No. 2016YFC0401405,2016.7-2020.12,負責部分55萬,主要參與人。

10. 國家自然科學基金面上項目《再生水中新興雌激素活性消毒副産物的親和分離鑒定及其生成規律的研究》,No. 21377066, 2014.1-2017.12,82萬,項目負責人。

11. 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃)《再生水的安全性評價與控制技術》,No. 2013AA065205, 2013.1-2015.12,負責部分60萬,主要參與人。

12. bevictor伟德官网自主科研青年教師自主選題基礎研究項目,《基于雌激素受體緻病機理的污染物篩選與鑒定》,2011.7-2014.6,62萬,項目負責人。

13. 環保部水專項(與中國環境科學研究院合作),《重點流域優控污染物水環境質量基準研究》,2012.1-2015.12,負責部分16萬,參與人。

14. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目《MicroRNA毒理基因組學:雌激素在小鼠體内标準圖譜的研究》,2011.1-2013.12,No. 21007030, 20萬,項目負責人。

15. 教育部留學回國啟動基金,《MicroRNA毒理基因組學标準圖譜的研究》,2012.1-2012.12,5萬,項目負責人。

16. 日本松下公司合作項目,《堿性加氫飲用水胃保護功能研究》,2012.3-2012.12,30萬,項目負責人。



1. Wei FQ, Lu Y, Shi Q, Chen Z, Li K-X, Zhang T, Shi Y-L, Xu Q, Hu H-Y. A dose optimization method of disinfection units and synergistic effects of combined disinfection in pilot tests. Water Research, in press.

2. Chen M, Shi L, Liu G, Wu X, Lu Y*. Aerosol exposure assessment during reclaimed water utilization in China and risk evaluation in case of Legionella. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2022, 16(7): 95

3. Liu G, Lu Y*, Shi L, Kong J, Hu H, Liu W. Trace endotoxin in reclaimed water is only one of the risk sources in subchronic inhalation exposure. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 285:117479.

4. Kong J, Lu Y*, Ren Y, Chen Z, Chen M. The virus removal in UV irradiation, ozonation and chlorination. Water Cycle, 2021, 2:23-31.

5. Shi X, Liu G, Shi L, Chen M, Wu X, Zhao J, Lu Y*. The detection efficiency of digital PCR for the virulence genes of waterborne pathogenic bacteria. Water Supply, 2021, 21(5SI):2285-2297.

6. 吳效晉,劉剛,胡洪營,陸韻*。環介導等溫擴增檢測水源病原菌,環境工程,https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2097.x.20201229.1112.004.html。

7. 史亮亮,陸韻*,陳夢豪,劉剛。再生水病原微生物基準對檢測的指導意義,環境工程,2021, 39(3):8-14。

8. Liu G, Lu Y*, Shi L, Ren Y, Kong J, Zhang M, Chen M, Liu W. TLR4-MyD88 signaling pathway is responsible for acute lung inflammation induced by reclaimed water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 396:122586. (1)

9. Shi X, Liu G, Zhang M, Zhao J, Li H, Yang Z, Bai H, Liang P, Lu Y*. Membrane Sensitive Bacterial DNA Extractions and Absolute Quantitation of Recovery Efficiencies. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 708:135125. (0)

10. Wu, QY*, Yang, LL, Zhang, XY, Wang, WL, Lu, Y, Du, Y, Lu, Y, Hu, HY. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(14):8926-8937.

11. Dao, GH, Wang, SN, Wang, XX, Chen, Z, Wu, YH, Wu, GX, Lu, Y, Liu, SM, Hu, HY*. Enhanced Scenedesmus sp. growth in response to gibberellin secretion by symbiotic bacteria. Science of Total Environment, 2020, 740:140099.

12. Shi, XJ, Chen, Z*, Lu, Y, Shi, Q, Wu, YH, Hu, HY. Significant increase of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) levels in MBR effluents followed by coagulation, ozonation and combined treatments: Implications for biostability control of reclaimed water. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2020, 15(4):68.

13. Cui Q, Liu, H, Yang, HW, Lu, Y, Chen, Z*, Hu, HY*. Bacterial removal performance and community changes during advanced treatment process: A case study at a full-scale water reclamation plant. Science of Total Environment, 2020, 705:135811.

14. Liu LH, Zhou XH*, Lu Y, Shi HC, Ma M, Yu T. Triple functional small-molecule-protein conjugate mediated optical biosensor for quantification of estrogenic activities in water samples. Environmental International, 2019, 132, 105091.

15. Xue J#, Zhang J#, Qiao J*, Lu Y*. Effects of chlorination and combined UV/Cl2 treatment on endotoxin activity and inhalation toxicity of lipopolysaccharide, gram-negative bacteria and reclaimed water. Water Research, 2019, 155:124-130. (6)

16. Ren Y, Kong J, Xue J, Shi X, Li H, Qiao J*, Lu Y*. Effects of ozonation on the activity of endotoxin and its inhalation toxicity in reclaimed water. Water Research, 2019, 154:153-161. (8)

17. Du Y, Wu QY*, Lv XT, Ye B, Zhan XM, Lu Y, Hu HY*. Electron donating capacity reduction of dissolved organic matter by solar irradiation reduces the cytotoxicity formation potential during wastewater chlorination. Water Research, 2018, 145:94-102.

18. Du Y, Wu QY*, Lv XT, Wang QP, Lu Y, Hu HY*. Exposure to solar light reduces cytotoxicity of sewage effluents to mammalian cells: Roles of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Water Research, 2018, 143:570-578.

19. Huo ZY, Li GQ, Yu T, Lu Y, Sun H, Wu YH, Yu C, Xie X*, Hu HY*. Impact of water quality parameters on bacteria inactivation by low-voltage electroporation: mechanism and control. Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology, 2018, 4(6):872-881.

20. Chen Z, Yu T, Ngo HH, Lu Y, Li GQ, Wu QY, Li KX, Bai Y, Liu SM, Hu HY*. Assimilable organic carbon (AOC) variation in reclaimed water: Insight on biological stability evaluation and control for sustainable water reuse. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 254:290-299.

21. Feng Y, Ren Z, Wu F, Reichert A, Lu Y*. Optimization of the gram staining method based on superparamagnetic magnetic nanobeads. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management, 2018, 6(3):263-271. (0)

22. Yu T, Sun H, Chen Z, Wang Y-H, Huo Z-Y, Ikuno N, Ishii K, Jin Y, Hu H-Y, Wu Y-H*, Lu Y*. Different bacterial species and their extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) significantly affected reverse osmosis (RO) membrane fouling potentials in wastewater reclamation. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 644:486-493. (10)

23. Li G-Q, Huo Z-Y, Wu Q-Y, Lu Y*, Hu H-Y*. Synergistic effect of combined UV-LEDs and chlorine treatment on Bacillus Subtilis spores inactivation. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 639:1233-1240. (17)

24. Xue J, Zhang J, Wu Q-Y*, Lu Y*. Sub-chronic inhalation of reclaimed water-induced fibrotic lesion in a mouse model. Water Research, 2018, 139:240-251. (10)

25. Chen Z, Yu T, Ngo HH, Lu Y, Li G, Wu Q, Li K, Bai Y, Liu S, Hu HY*. Assimilable organic carbon (AOC) variation in reclaimed water: Insight on biological stability evaluation and control for sustainable water reuse. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 254:290-299.

26. Xu B, Li K, Qiao J, Liungai Z, Chen C*, Lu Y*. UV photoconversion of environmental oestrogen diethylstilbestrol and its persistence in surface water under sunlight. Water Research, 2017, 127:77-85. (6)

27. Li GQ; Wang WL; Huo ZY; Lu Y*; Hu HY*. Comparison of UV-LED and low pressure UV for water disinfection: photoreactivation and dark repair of Escherichia coli. Water Research, 2017, 126:134-143. (66)

28. Lv XT, Zhang X, Du Ye, Wu QY*, Lu Y*, Hu HY. Solar light irradiation significantly reduced cytotoxicity and disinfection byproducts in chlorinated reclaimed water. Water Research, 2017, 126:162-169. (23)

29. Li GQ, Yu T, Wu QY, Lu Y*, Hu HY*. Development of an ATP luminescence-based method for assimilable organic carbon determination in reclaimed water. Water Research, 2017, 123:345-352. (17)

30. Liu L, Zhou X*, Lu Y*, Shan D, Xu B, He M, Shi H, Qian Y. Facile screening of potential xenoestrogens by an estrogen receptor-based reusable optical biosensor. Biosensors and bioelectronics, 2017, 97:16-20. (22)

31. Wang WL, Wu QY*, Li ZM, Lu Y, Du Y, Wang T, Huang N, Hu HY*. Light-emitting diodes as an emerging UV source for UV/chlorine oxidation: Carbamazepine degradation and toxicity changes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 310:148-156.

32. Du Y, Wu QY*, Lu Y, Hu HY*, Yang Y, Liu R, Liu F. Increase of cytotoxicity during wastewater chlorination: Impact factors and surrogates. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 324:681-690.

33. Yu T, Meng L, Zhao Q-B, Shi Ye, Hu H-Y, Lu Y*. Effects of chemical cleaning on RO membrane inorganic, organic and microbial foulant removal in a full-scale plant for municipal wastewater reclamation. Water Research, 2017, 113:1-10. (42)

34. Yu T*, Li GQ, Lin WQ, Hu H-Y, Lu Y*. Coagulation increased the growth potential of various species bacteria of the effluent of a MBR for the treatment of domestic wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(6):5126-5133. (10)

35. Huo ZY, Xie X*, Yu T, Lu Y, Feng C, Hu HY*. Nanowire-Modified Three-Dimensional Electrode Enabling Low-Voltage Electroporation for Water Disinfection. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(14):7641-7649.

36. Xue J, Zhang J, Xu B, Xie J, Wu W, Lu Y*. Endotoxins: the critical risk factor in reclaimed water via inhalation exposure. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50:11957-11964. (13)

37. Duan R, Lu Y*, Hou L, Du L, Sun L, Tang X. U-shaped microRNA expression pattern could be a new concept biomarker for environmental estrogen. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2016, 10(6):11. (6)

38.Li M, Xu B, Liungai Z, Hu H-Y, Qiao J*, Lu Y*. The removal of estrogenic activity with UV/chlorine technology and identification of novel estrogenic disinfection by-products. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 307:119-126. (26)

39. Zhang J, Xue J, Xu B, Xie J, Qiao J*, Lu Y*. Inhibition of Lipopolysaccharide Induced Acute Inflammation in Lung by Chlorination. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 303:131-136. (14)

40. Yang Y, Lu Y*, Wu QY, Hu H-Y*, Chen YH, Liu WL. Evidence of ATP assay as an appropriate alternative of MTT assay for cytotoxicity of secondary effluents from WWTPs. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015, 122:490-496. (26)

41. Shang G, Xue J, Li M, Hu H-Y, Lu Y*. Estrogen receptor affinity chromatography: a new method for characterization of novel estrogenic disinfection by-products. Chemosphere, 2014, 104:251-257. (12)

42. Xue J#, Shang G#, Tanaka Y, Saihara Y, Hou L, Velasquez N, Liu W, Lu Y*. Dose-dependent inhibition of gastric injury by hydrogen in alkaline electrolyzed drinking water, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014, 14:81. (13)

43. Wu Y-H, Hu H-Y*, Yu Y, Zhang T-Y, Zhu S-F, Zhuang L-L, Zhang X, Lu Y. Microalgal species for sustainable biomass/lipid production using wastewater as resource: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 33:675-688.

44. Hou LY, Lu Y*, Li Y, Li L. MiRNA-451 is a potential biomarker for estrogenicity in mouse uterus. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2014, 8(1):99-105.

45. Liu KC, Jiang M, Lu Y, Chen H, Sun J, Wu SP, Ku WY, Nakagawa H, Kita Y, Natsugoe S, Peters JH, Rustgi AK, Onaitis MW, Kiernan A, Chen XX, Que JW*. Sox2 Cooperates with Inflammation-Mediated Stat3 Activation in the Malignant Transformation of Foregut Basal Progenitor Cells. Cell Stem Cell, 2013, 12(3):304-315.

46. Xue J, Lu Y*, Velasquez N, Yu R-Z, Hu H-Y, Liu Z-T, Meng W. Introduction of risk size in the determination of un47. Xu, X; Rock, JR; Lu, Y; Futtner, C; Schwab, B; Guinney, J; Hogan, BLM; Onaitis, MW*. Evidence for type II cells as cells of origin of K-Ras-induced distal lung adenocarcinoma. PNAS, 2012, 109(13): 4910-4915.

48. Huang J-J, Hu H-Y*, Wu YH, Wei B, Lu Y. Effect of chlorination and ultraviolet disinfection on tetA-mediated tetracycline resistance of Escherichia coli. Chemosphere, 2012, 90(8):2247-2253.

49. Huang J-J, Hu H-Y*, Lu SQ, Li Y, Tang F, Lu Y, Wei B. Monitoring and evaluation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria at a municipal wastewater treatment plant in China. Environmental International, 2012, 42:31-36.

50. Huang J-J, Hu H-Y*, Tang F, Li Y, Lu SQ, Lu Y. Inactivation and reactivation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria by chlorination in secondary effluents of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Water Research, 2011, 45(9):2775-2781.

51. Lu Y#, Futtner C#, Rock JR, Xu X, Whitworth W, Hogan BLM, Onaitis MW*. Evidence that SOX2 overexpression is oncogenic in the Lung. Plos One 2010;5:-. (IF 3.234) (150)

52. Lu Y*, Hou L, Hu H-Y, Li L. Progress in toxicogenomics. Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2010, 19(9):2232-2239.

53. Rock JR, Onaitis MW, Rawlins EL, Lu Y, Clark CP, Xue Y, Randell SH, Hogan BLM*. Basal cells as stem cells of the mouse trachea and human airway epithelium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009;106:12771-12775.

54. Erhunmwunsee L, Lu Y, Luo XY, Harpole DH, Hogan BLM, Onaitis MW*. Basal cells in lung cancer. Journal of the American college of surgeons, 2008, 207(3):S30-S30.

55. Lu Y, Thomson JM, Wong HY, Hammond SM, Hogan BL*. Transgenic over-expression of the microRNA miR-17-92 cluster promotes proliferation and inhibits differentiation of lung epithelial progenitor cells. Dev Biol. 2007 Oct 15;310(2):442-53. Epub 2007 Aug 9. (371)

56. Zhang G, Lu H, Lu Y, Jiang S, Chen YH*. Neutralization of HIV-1 primary isolate by ELDKWA-specific murine monoclonal antibodies. Immunobiology. 2005;210(9):639-45.

57. Liu W, Zou P, Ding J, Lu Y, Chen YH*. Sequence comparison between the extracellular domain of M2 protein human and avian influenza A virus provides new information for bivalent influenza vaccine design. Microbes Infect. 2005 Feb;7(2):171-7. Epub 2004 Dec 25.

58. Liu W, Peng Z, Liu Z, Lu Y, Ding J, Chen YH*. High epitope density in a single recombinant protein molecule of the extracellular domain of influenza A virus M2 protein significantly enhances protective immunity. Vaccine. 2004 Dec 2;23(3):366-71.

59. Lu Y, Chen YH*. Spike protein homology between the SARS-associated virus and murine hepatitis virus implies existence of a putative receptor-binding region. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(11):1115-1117 (3)

60. Liu WL, Lu Y, Chen YH*. Bioinformatics analysis of SARS-CoV M protein provides information for vaccine development. Progress in Natural Science, 2003, 13(11):844-847

61. Lu Y, Ding J, Liu WL, Chen YH*. A candidate vaccine against influenza virus intensively improved the immunogenicity of a neutralizing Epitope. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 2002, 127(3):245-250  (11)

62. Lu Y, Ding J, Chen YH*. Immunogenicity and specificity of the candidate multi-epitope-vaccines against HIV-1. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 2001, 23(4):487-494  (11)

63. Xiao Y, Lu Y, Chen YH*. Epitope-vaccine as a new strategy against HIV-1 mutation. Immunology Letters, 2001, 77:3-6

64. Ding J, He F, Lu Y, Xiao Y, Chen YH*. Induction of multi-epitope-specific antibodies against HIV-1 by multi-epitope-vaccines. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46(22):1859-1864

65. Yang HW, Xiao Y, Lu Y, Chen YH*. Characterization of interaction between C-domain on HIV-1 gp41 and the putative receptor protein p62. Immunobiology, 2001, 203(5):778-785

66. Lu Y, Xiao Y, Ding J, Dierich MP, Chen YH*. Immunogenicity of neutralizing epitopes on multiple-epitope- vaccines against HIV-1. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 2000, 121(1):80-84  (20)

67. Lu Y, Ding J, Xiao Y, Chen Y*. Multi-epitope-vaccines intensively increased levels of antibodies recognizing three neutralizing epitopes on HIV –1 envelop protein. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 2000, 51(5):497-501  (20)

68. Liao MF, Lu Y, Xiao Y, Dierich MP, Chen YH*. Induction of high level of specific antibody response to the neutralizing epitope ELDKWA on HIV-1 gp41 by peptide-vaccine. Peptides, 2000, 21(4):463-468

69. Ding J, Lu Y, Chen YH*. Candidate multi-epitope-vaccines in aluminium adjuvant induce high levels of antibodies with predefined multi-epitope-specificity against HIV-1. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 2000, 29(2):123-127

70. Xiao Y, Liao MF, Lu Y, Dierich MP, Chen YH*. Epitope-vaccines:A new strategy to induce high levels of neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1. Immunobiology, 2000, 201(3-4):323-331

71. Xiao Y, Zhao YX, Lu Y, Chen YH*. Epitope-vaccine induced high levels of ELDKWA-epitope-specific neutralizing antibody. Immunological Investigation, 2000, 29(1):41-50


1. 陸韻,魏凡欽,施琦,陳卓。一種利用臭氧/紫外/氯進行協同消毒的水處理方法,中國,202110711066.1。

2. 劉剛,陸韻。快速檢測水中病原微生物的方法,中國,201910538300.8。

3. 劉剛,陸韻。快速檢測水中大腸埃希氏菌的方法,中國,201910538317.3。

4. 任韻如、劉剛、孔嘉陽、陸韻。一種動物吸入染毒實驗用暴露箱及暴露裝置,中國,201910052549.8。

5. 任韻如、劉剛、孔嘉陽、陸韻。一種動物吸入染毒實驗用暴露箱及暴露裝置,中國,201920092415.4。

6. 馮昱人,任滋禾,吳富華,陸韻。超順磁性納米磁珠革蘭氏染色試劑盒。2018.6,中國,201810587523.9。

7. 陸韻,商國棟,李曼。分離檢測環境中雌激素類内分泌幹擾物的方法,2015.2,中國,201310677352.6

8. 陳應華,劉萬裡,陸韻,丁健,鄒鵬。流感病毒胞膜蛋白M2的中和表位及其變異表位與應用,2006.7,中國,200410046103.8

9. 陳應華,陸韻,丁健。一種合成肽流感疫苗及其制備方法,2004.8,中國,00121293.1

10. 陳應華,肖翌,陸韻,董曉楠。抗變異-表位疫苗的制備方法,2003.5,中國,99123806.0

11. 陳應華,肖翌,陸韻,丁健。多表位-表位疫苗的制備方法,2003.5,中國,99123809.5

12. 陳應華,肖翌,于天維,陸韻,丁健。單表位重複或多聯單表位重複-表位疫苗的制備方法,2003.5,中國,99123807.9


1. 團體标準《再生水利用 水中病毒富集方法指南》,2021年12月立項.

2. 團體标準《再生水利用 吸入暴露毒性檢測》,2020年立項.


1. 2018年,完成《水處理生物學》第六版修訂。

2. 2016年,《水處理生物學》第五版獲得bevictor伟德官网優秀教材特等獎。

3. 特納,邁克倫南,貝茨,懷特著,劉進元,李文君,王薛林,董曉楠,楊濤,葉彬,程淩,鄭潤,江樂,林會蘭,陸韻,馮海譯,分子生物學(第二版)(R 噬菌體與真核生物病毒),科學出版社,514千字,2001
